le Sonofabitch!
le Shit!
Sort of...
le Fuck!
I took Olivia to the doctor on Tuesday. We got some good news - no more blood in the stool. The Alimentum is here to stay. Not that I'm thrilled to be paying that much, but it would suck to have to keep trying out different formula and going back to the doctor with poopy diapers.
Since I like to be prepared, I took a print out of the symptoms of silent reflux, hilited the things that are happening to Olivia, and wrote notes on her reactions to eating. Balls (Ovaries?) to the wall, right? I wanted some medicine.
The doctor wholeheartedly agreed that she had reflux. Great! Then she said they don't like to give medication before trying other things first. Mmmmkay...I guess that makes sense.
The verdict: 1/4 tsp of Maalox or Mylanta 15-20 minutes before eating, and a tablespoon of rice cereal in her bottle.
After our doctor appointment, we went to Target and happily bought the Maalox and rice cereal. She was completely zonked all day after starting this. Great! She must be feeling better and getting some rest!
I am a flaming moron...
My baby screamed her head off from 5 am until midnight yesterday. Screamed. As in WTF GIMME BACK MY UMBILICAL CORD YOU FLAMING MORON!
I called the doctor at 2 and didn't hear back until 5. But I quit giving her the Maalox at her 2 o'clock feeding to see if it helped. Turns out that is exactly what the doctor said to do.
Am doctor, apparently. Will demand $165/hour when I go back to work.
However, in some sick twisted plot to test the sanity of everyone in our home, he also said that if she seems better after taking away the Maalox, then give it to her again tomorrow and see if she screams. Keep going with the rice cereal. Then call the office.
I wanted to tell him that I would do that if I could also shove the bottle of Maalox up his ass, see if he cries, then take it out, and if he feels better, test it again. I did not. I am only that weird in my mind (and on my blog).
By midnight, when things hadn't improved, I quit with the rice cereal, too. This was getting to be ridiculous! She was in pain before, but crying for a few minutes after a bottle - this was like a marathon of screaming that made me so anxious that I thought I had the flu yesterday because I was making multiple Oh-No-Here-Comes-le-Puke trips to the toilet. (le Puke never came.)
Her poor little face had dried up tears all over it.
Last night went pretty well. She's back to the pre-satan Olivia, having trouble eating and crying for a few minutes after a bottle. She slept for 2 hour increments all night. She is sleeping now.
If I don't get some Zantac today, I am heading over to the doctor's office with that bottle of Maalox...
You deserve a baby fix if you made it this far (sorry, it's a repeat if you know me on Facebook):
I just want her to feel better.