Then last night? Our entire house was up at 11:30, 12:40-2, and 4:10. So that was fun.
I really do have a point, and it is that I am reaaaaaly tired. And so if this post doesn't make sense, or takes a turn for the bizarre, or ends abruptly? You know why.
Milk and/or Soy Protein Intolerance
Olivia has Milk Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI). She cannot digest milk and soy protein without lots of abdominal discomfort, and sometimes? Bloody poop. Lots of people have success with Similac Alimentum, or Enfamil Nutramigen, and even Nestle Good Start. These formulas break the proteins down so that they do not need to be fully digested and pass through your baby easily. Like a tidal wave from mouth to diaper, if you want to know the truth. We had shoulder blade high blowouts when we first started Alimentum.
Babies with MSPI can have reflux. And once you get the right formula, you might notice an improvement in reflux issues. You might, but we didn't.
Alimentum and Nutramigen are pretty expensive - I am usually a Similac girl, and to give you a ballpark: Similac Advance was about $14 for a can of powder, and Similac Alimentum was $27.
Being the diva that she is, Olivia still couldn't tolerate Alimentum. And the gastroenterologist recommended Nutramigen AA because it would be easiest on her delicate little guts.
Let's talk about Nutramigen AA Lipil. By those dirty whores at Enfamil.
It is the same type of formula as Neocate and Elecare - elemental, broken down to amino acids. And if you think back to freshman year science class, you will remember that amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.
They are...Very Expensive.
Olivia: Come on...How Expensive Can Baybee Food Possibly Be? Surely You Exaggerate, Mother. You do have a flair for the dramatic.
Without going on eBay or Craigslist, the best deal I have found is directly from Enfamil. For $155 a case - a case being 4 cans. So... $38.75 a can? And a can lasts less than a week.
Olivia: Excuse me while I pass the hell out!
But hey! Free Shipping!! Isn't that so very nice?!
I can't believe what people are charging for this stuff on Amazon and eBay. The retail price of this formula is significantly higher - the Walgreen's price was $25 dollars (per can!) higher. People online are selling it for $260 per case! Plus shipping!
If your insurance won't pay, ORDER DIRECTLY FROM ENFAMIL!
I tried to get my insurance company to cover the formula, and I believe their exact words were, "Don't hold your breath." I love their subtle approach. Always so caring about my feelings, those people.
The combination of Freaking Expensive Formula and Prevacid seem to be really helping Olivia. The Ped Gastro just informed us on Friday that she will need said Lexus Formula for an entire year. *gulp*
If you switch to this formula, be warned: it tastes like shit. And that is an understatement. I tasted it, and it tasted so bad that I felt like my taste buds would shrivel up and die forever. Disgusting.
Now, if I may make a swift change in topic, I'm going to post some good links for reflux information:
Infant Reflux.Org Click here.
This is the best place to start. Because if you go to your pediatrician and say "My baybee cries all the time and won't sleep," then you are begging for a diagnosis of colic. Write everything down - what your baby does when - and don't leave that office until someone pays attention to you.
The post linked has all kinds of useful info, but the entire message board is awesome for information about medicine, sleeping, eating, everything.
The Baby Whisperer Forums Click here.
Lots more sleeping and eating information, and a reflux forum. I read this book (two of her books, actually) and have mixed feelings. I will try to review it later because I'd like to see what other people think.
(Review in a nutshell: The author talks about a sleep training method that I have found to be complete bullshit. But I love her routine method, so it's worth a read.)
Marci-Kids Click here.
This website is great - it is the Midwest Acid Reflux Children's Institute. Pretty much the only place doing research on the treatment of GERD in infants and children. They have a dosage calculator and even a memo that you can take with you to your pediatrician or gastroenterologist if you think your child's dose of PPI is too low.
I think someone asked me to talk about how I got Olivia to sleep, and basically the answer is that I AM MAGIC. These are the things I tried to transition her from her car seat (which we were putting inside her crib) to laying down in her crib.
First, I tried inclining the mattress and rolling up a big towel and putting it under the crib sheet to hold Olivia's butt up. She has a tendency to slide down her mattress as if she is at the playground.
Thank you to everyone who recommended this. If I was trying to get Olivia to slide down the mattress and turn sideways onto the towel under the mattress? I would call it a success. (I put this in the FAIL category, but maybe it will help someone else.)
Then, I busted out the Snuggle Nest. I put a giant blanket over it, then rolled towels all the way around it so that the sides came up like the car seat. The Snuggle Nest has a wedge, so she was at an incline.
This worked for about a week, but we still had the scooting problem. She would end up sideways at the bottom of the incline. Laying flat on her back, looking up at me with a mocking smile.
The latest: I have the mattress inclined again (using rolled blankets and towels under the mattress), with a soft blanket on top (tucked in all around so she can't pull on it). We lay her on her side, swaddled. She usually wakes up partly unswaddled and way at the bottom of the mattress. BUT, it seems to be working well for us.
I need a nap.