Friday, June 18, 2010

Alright, Alright, I got my beta.

And don't be offended, I didn't tell anyone when I got it, unless they asked.  Because I was totally underwhelmed by the number: 285.

14 days after transferring two blasts, 285 just seems low to me.  Maybe it's a completely normal number, but 14 days after transferring two 3-day embryos, my beta with Olivia was over 900.  And yes, that was a freak of nature beta that had me convinced that I was carrying a wildebeest, but still.


The nurse left me a voicemail because I was on my work phone, and left no indication that it was a bad number.  "Hi Jen, it's Sally from the Clinic.  Just wanted to let you know that your beta HCG level was good, 285, looks like you're pregnant.* Keep taking your estrogen and progesterone and come back next Thursday between 7 and 9:30 for your second beta."

*No exclamation point.  Sally is sweet as can be, but doesn't really exclaim anything, ever.  If you go there, you know what I mean.

I know someone wants to throttle me right now for being such a complete asshole about a positive beta.  I've just got the creeping feeling that I'm going to get my repeat next week and it will only be 300 or something.  Probably the same creeping feeling that made me nervous enough to take eleven  twelve pregnancy tests. 

Anyway.  My two week wait has turned into a three week wait.  I'm not confident at all that my next beta will be good, and I am Debby Downer.  The end.

Or, not the end.

My blog layout is a hot mess right now.  I made the mistake of playing with the new Design Template option, without having the time to actually figure out how to use it.  So, sorry for the hot mess blog.  Blah.


One Year Ago:  Need Sleep Advice
Two Years Ago: Beta Beta Bo Beta


Anonymous said...

What a bummer that you have to wait another week. We'll all think positive thoughts for you!

Maddy said...

If it's any consolation, my 16 dpo beta (after a transfer of a single 3-day embryo) was 164 and I was super duper excited about that and my nurse said it was an extremely positive result. And my 15 month old son resulted from that. So I would be totally psyched about your beta result! If it was only 15, I would worry. Nothing to worry about with 285! If I was a betting woman, I would bet that your beta will be sky high next week.

Mrs. 5C said...

What a roller coaster!
Maybe Olivia was just super hormonal and this baby is going to be chill. Maybe this baby just doesn't want you to be extra vomitey? This baby is looking out for you. ;)
I'm thinking good thoughts.

Leah said...

My first beta was a whopping 45 and I was bleeding. I know have a healthy 10 month old baby girl! 285 is stellar! Just relax!! It will all be fine if you just relaaax!!

Seriously honey..I'm crossing my fingers for you. I know it's tough right now.

Kelly said...

My RE says FETs give lower betas. My 9 dp 5 dt beta was a whopping 86. She's trying to climb up my leg right now.

samantha said...

My 14DPO beta was 264...and he's 14 mos now! Congrats on your positive beta :-)

liz said...

Mine was 242 at 19 dpo, 575 at 21 dpo and I just dropped her off at daycare. I'm convinced that betas are nothing but a torture device. Congratulations!

Mrs. Higrens said...

I am officially protesting on your behalf that Monday should be as long as you have to wait for the next round of numbers. Seriously. What is wrong with those people?!?!?

That said, 285 seems pretty good to me since my first was 153 @ 16 DPO.

ladybug said...

285 sounds good! At 12 dp5dt, my beta was 205. I was worried because it hadn't fully doubled from the first beta of 116. But four days after the 205, it had gone up to 1616! My baby girl is almost 15 months old now.

Try not to worry. I know, I know...easier said. But really, your number sounds peachy.

Kansas said...

that is not a bad beta! Mine was like 65 at 10dpo.
I fully anticipate you will get 3,000 comments from people that had low betas and had non freakshow babies. I haven't had mine yet (baby), so he could still be a freakshow.

Kahla said...

Three things... no four things. 1) I was pg after IVF#1 w/twins and my BETA at 9dpt was 39. I don't remember what it was at your point, but if you doubled that every 24 hours it would be right around you. I have a healthy 5 year old from that cycle (we had a vanishing twin, hence the one five year old). 2) Next week???? WTF? Mine does it every other day... that is just wrong! I'd be all up in their business until the relented and gave me an earlier BETA. We need to think of a good lie to get you in there on Monday. 3) My two IVFs that resulted in twins (the above and IVF #4, that we m/c) had lower BETAs than my IVF#5, that gave us a singleton. BETAs are crazy and don't tell you jack, other than you are with child. 4) I think boy babies give lower BETAs and girls give higher, so I'm putting my bid in for a boy. oh, five things... sorry, I'm a TX girl, we talk a lot. 5) I too have heard that FET give lower BETAs (but I don't think yours is low). Having done 5 fresh cycles, I'm practically an expert (except I'm not really). ;o)

Strawberry said...

I have seen news of many, many betas in my online community, and 285 is excellent, don't you worry.

Noelle said...

Logic tells you that you should be fine and all these sweet comments tell you that you should be fine but experience tells you to be cautious. I totally get your concern. I have a history of miscarriages and this week I saw two pink lines on a test. I want to be excited but I feel scared. I haven't told a soul - except you, dear internet friend.

Unknown said...

My 14dp3dt beta was 48. 14 mo today. Congrats on triple digits!

Paige @ Baby Dust Diaries said...

FETs often result in lower betas because of delayed implantation. You are seriously PUPO

EllenCas1974 said...

Ugh, I hate this part. With my son my beta never went up like it was supposed to so every blood test was a hit or miss... good luck!

Amy said...

My first beta with Lexi was 14DP3DT

Jen said...

My beta at 14 DPiui was 84. Granted that was an IUI not IVF, but still. he's 3 weeks old now :)

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Captain Optimism (I feel like that needs some jazz hands when I say it) and I think 285 sounds awesome. I didn't even get a beta with B, so that was sort of sucky. So! I'll hope for a monster number next week!

E said...

Hey, for either torture or relief, refer to the Beta Base website:

According to this, your beta is exactly average (I used 17 days past ovulation as reference, I hope that is correct.

So! Congrats!

As a side note your blog is effing hilarious and I can't wait to hear about your diabeetus tests this go-round.

Anonymous said...

A good beta, is a good beta my friend! Thinking sticky vibes for you for next week.

Heather said...

Congrats! I'm thinking really good thoughts for you!

Sandy said...

I remember being so jealous of your freak number with Olivia. My beta with Oscar at 16dpo was 400 and a week later it was 4000. I didn't know much about beta numbers and my RE told me that as long as they are over 50, then double regularly, they usually don't worry about them. And they vary HUGELY.

I hate to tell you this, but I think you were a little spoiled by your unusually high beta with O. However, I totally sympathize with your uneasy feeling. I felt it during my entire pregnancy with Oscar.

ks said...

WHAT!!! A 7 day wait in between betas!!?? WTH!! I think I'd lose my (you know what)! I thought everyone did them every 2-3 days to make sure they were doubling properly. I'm sorry you have to wait like that. I don't think 285 is low though for an FET. FET's do seem to be slower to implant and get going! Congrats! And get making some phone calls to that clinic of yours! LOL!

Anonymous said...

My DD was the result of an IUI that was not supposed to work, and they said my first beta of 45 was not great news, and yet here she is! My clinic does a repeat beta after 2 days though, which was much easier to handle (45 to 150!). Fingers are crossed for you!
Beth at

Anonymous said...

I had a beta of only 22 at 9dp5dt that only went up to 34 two days later and then was only 55 at 13dp5dt. So very low nondoubling betas that turned into the beautiful 6 month old that is sleeping soundly next to me. Don't read too much into the first number. Enjoy being pupo with babe #2 =)

Ashley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Last Monday, at 16 DPO, my first beta was 92. I have had two more betas and an ultrasound that show everything is progressing properly. Like everyone else, I want you to know your number is not low! Fingers crossed that your numbers will double appropriately!

Shawn and Aimee said...

You're just experiencing the "it can't be this easy" attitude of the infertiles. "this easy" for you = several years of trying for #1; freezing and then thawing #1 surplus; drugs, shots, hormones, hostility; transfer; positive?? You're just expecting an automatic repeat.

I'm very happy (wildly envious) that you got a +!! Be happy!! Olivia will have a cryo-twin!!

Alyssa said...

I left you a comment bright and early and it never showed up! Balls.
I'm keeping all crossables crossed for you this week. I hope you know that this makes it really hard to pee. The things I do for you!

Katherine said...

Hugs and a cautions congratulations. I'd stopped betas by the 19dpo equivalent, so trying to calculate what it would've been.
46 at 11dp3dt, 128 at 13dp3dt... Since the beta rise is rarely at a constant rate, I'm just going to calculate by doubling... 250? at 15dp3dt... between 350 and 400 at 16dp3dt. Ok, so that came out a little higher, but if I hadn't had that tripling between my first two tests, 285 would likely have been where I'd be. Like many others, I was also bleeding during my betas

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your next beta will bring better news.

HereWeGoAJen said...

I think Elizabeth was 250 on 14DPO.

Heather Rodriguez said...


Singleton: 110, 144, 161, 183, 189, 207, 219, 241, 258, 273, 278, 290, 300, 310, 311, 321, 371, 388.5, 390, 394, 420, 447, 450, 531, 658, 687, 775, 788, 813, 1458, 1531
Twins: 238, 254, 304, 326, 397, 562, 593, 623, 650, 735, 815, 826, 1007, 1120, 1433, 1469, 1952, 2175
Trips: 1197, 1250, 1400, 1448, 1642

Jen said...

Thank you so much for all the encouragement! :)

I did a 5 day transfer - they were frozen 2 days, thawed for three, and stuffed into my uterus. So, I think 285 would be OK for a 3 day, but for a 5 day...I dunno. Whatever.

Aren't I fun to be around?

I'm keeping my pie hole shut until Thursday!

Laura said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! What if it's twins? :) Then you'll feel silly!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry if I am repeating someone, but it's not the actual number of the beta that counts, its the doubling every 24-48 hours they want to see. My beta was doubling every 52 hours and I was a little nervous and everything has turned out 'perfect' so far (6 months pregnant now). Most websites will tell you the number doesn't necessarily matter unless it is in the single digits. You are fine!

and baby makes 4 said...

Mine was 241 at 14 dpo and I had twins. Boo-ya!

Anonymous said...

EW I hate waiting - that's why TTC is not a good match for me but I'm struggling through it anyway. I hope your beta doubles or more next week!

P.S - because of your POAS marathon I am super super tempted to POAS now at 8 DPO because you did. haha

Anonymous said...

I think you are pregnant and will stay that way. The number sounds reasonable.

My kids are 7 and 10, so the baby machine has shut down, but I'm a veteran of the fertility clinic world. I think your reaction is normal considering what you have been through. You are just experiencing a case of "this is just too good to be true" paranoia.

Folks that get pregnant just from a night of wild sex are very accepting that things are fine and that they are pregnant for the long haul. And why shouldn't it be? They are not used to disappointment involving their lady parts.

Us fertility treatment gals.....not so much. Partly because we just maybe feel a tad guilty when it actually works because we know how sad and frustrating it can be when it doesn't. Its like we are abandoning our fertility sisters. Anyway, good luck!

Jenn in Texas

Emily said...

Um... try not to worry at this point. My beta at 9dp5dt (14 dpo) was 39. 39!!! I have kid. at 16 dpo it was 120.

Remember it's the doubling in 48 hours that matters, not the number. Isn't it also true that with fet's the embryo can take awhile to get going?

Anyhoosen. Your crazy-high betas last time is the thing that's making you think this way. Hang in there.


Just me said...

My clinic wants to see 100+ on the first beta, and like others have said the important thing isn't how high the number is, it's the doubling on your next beta.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :)

(My verification word was boducks. Not that it means anything, I just thought it was a funny word.)

K said...

My 16 dpo was about the same and I am still very preggo from a FET. Have faith and ((hugs))

sarah23 said...

Fresh IVF: 11DP5DT of a single blastocyst... my beta was 119! Said blastocyst is now a happy and healthy 16 month old sleeping in the next room.

see my ancient blog entry: from 5/17/08

Anonymous said...

285 is a great number. Remember with O you thought you were carrying quads? This is an awesome singleton number.

Calliope said...

I so get the angst, lady. And I imagine after the epic and HUGE beta of Miss O that it is hard to know what is your normal at this point. I will say that I got told a bajillion times after my FET to expect my beta to be lower than my friends that did fresh IVF. Not sure where the studies are that back this up- but I was told by several nurses during transfer that FET embryos can take longer to implant and can have a lower beta at first.

That being said- I can't imagine anyone going through fertility treatments being calm about ANY beta. I mean even if you had the exact same beta as O I bet you would be nervous. Because, hell, we are all up in these interwebs and we know more shit that can hit the fan than the average gal in the waiting room.

So waiting with you, making you laugh with arm pit fart noises and just knowing that there will be a sweeeeeet yawp when the repeat beta numbers come in!

Aunt Becky said...

GAH, waiting sucks a fat one. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what happened with the 2nd beta? I thought it was it Thursday?