Forgive me if this post is...well, stupid. I have to post, since it has been a week. Plus I stayed up past my Old Hag 9pm Bedtime to watch LeBron James redefine the term
Cleveland Steamer on national television. Those are thirty minutes of my life that I will never get back.
I'm not sure how appreciative I am supposed to be of the whole miracle of identical twins after my Frozen Embryo Transfer, but if it will piss you off to hear me complain about being sick? Then stop reading now, and have a nice weekend, and don't leave drama in my comments. Kthxbai.
OMG I'M SO SICK. All day. Every day. I'm burping and gagging all day. And the most tragic part about it is that it's really screwing up my Car Concerts. I was really killing Ants Marching the other day, until the part where it's all "take these chanceeeeeeeeees" and right in the middle of chanceeeeeeeeees I gagged so hard that I put on my turn signal to pull over so that I could vomit on the side of the turnpike. It was a false alarm. Perhaps my own horrible singing makes me sick? And I'm blaming pregnancy for no good reason?
I can't even play my beloved Wii Tetris Party anymore, because watching the pieces spin around makes me all Barfy McYackerson. And I'll try to be humble here, but I love Tetris because basically when it comes to Tetris? I wake up and just piss excellence. I happen to have snapped a photo as proof, which Mark said I was not allowed to put on the blog.
Here is the picture that Mark says I'm not allowed to put on the blog:
Please note the labels, which can be defined as follows:
1. Gorgeous, rightfully smug, amazing Jennepper Mii. As discussed: wakes up and just pisses excellence.
2. Nearly clear board, even though the game is over. The sign of a Tetris Master.
3. P2 WIN! That's right. My Mii made this game her bitch.
4. Defeated, loser, sad to behold Mark Mii, who wakes up and just pisses...pee, probably. Urine.
5. Completely effed up board, caught on film. No wonder Mark Mii looks so sad...
**Allison pointed out in the comments that I forgot #6!!! My most sincere apologies!**
6. It took Mii Jennepper only 2 minutes and 27 seconds to beat Mii Mark. I'm quick about my excellence pissing.
But woe. I cannot play Tetris because I might vomit on myself. Isn't that a sad story? I bet you are all grabbing your tissues.
In less self pity type news, I had another ultrasound today to check on my subchorionic hematoma. Still there! It looks big, too, but nobody seems all that concerned about it. And since Google tells me that I can't do anything about it, I'm just pretending it isn't there. Except when I wear pads EVERY FREAKING DAY so that I don't ruin my good skivvies and work pants by some sort of surprise gush from my
clown car uterus.
The doctor and the ultrasound tech both saw two yolk sacs. I made the mistake of Googling a few things related to twin pregnancy - I found the belly pictures to be very disturbing (sorry, but they are), and I also found all sorts of really scary risks associated with identical twin pregnancies. I don't really want to get into it now, but apparently it is a good sign that there are two yolk sacs.
I've officially graduated from the Reproductive Endocrinologist. Not sure what I'll do when I can't read unlimited issues of Conceive! First OB appointment is next week, because all signs point to me seriously being pregnant, like for real no fucking kidding around.
Giddy up!