I'm working on a post for you about how I almost killed and/or ate my waiter at Chili's this afternoon. But first I have questions about multiple pregnancies.
First, some updates.
I had my 12 week appointment and NT scan a few weeks ago, and everything looked good.
Most importantly, my identical twins are monochorionic diamniotic - they are inside the same chorionic sac but have their own amniotic sacs. I'm not going to get into the details, but here is an excellent blog post I found explaining the different twin scenarios in kindergarten terms. There are major risks for identical twin pregnancies when twins aren't separated by a membrane and do not have their own amniotic sac.
But they were able to see a membrane, so we're good there.
Here's my main question: Do I need to see a maternal-fetal specialist? Or...just my regular OB?
I asked my OB, and he said that they don't work with a MFM unless there is a complication. Which...OK.
But. I had gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia(ish). So I kind of feel like I'm a total pain in the ass when it comes to the whole gestation thing.
Next: I'm reading this book about multiple pregnancies. Ummmm...it all sounds good in theory, but mostly I think this lady has lost her fucking mind. I'm supposed to gain 50 pounds! and eat like 5 bazillion grams of protein a day! and eat healthy (HEALTHY!!!) but consume 3500 calories a day! What's that you say...you don't feel good? Well, shovel it in when you feel good! Easy peasy!
I mean, I'm all for fattening these baybees up and being healthy and you know...etc. But I just don't really feel like it's realistic. I'm supposed to have gained like 25 pounds by now and I've gained 6 so obviously I'm on the right track and everything.
So, tell me: how much weight did you gain - not because I don't want to gain a lot of weight, but because I'm worried about my ability to eat enough to gain 50 pounds - and how did you eat and just generally, give me your assvice but don't be an asshole.
I've had my fill of assholes, particularly the ones who tell me that I look YOUGE even being pregnant with twins *insert sideways judgemental glance here*
Finally, what else? What random advice do you have for me?
One Year Ago: Six Months, Holy Crap!
Two Years Ago: Excuse Me Willis, Could You Please Repeat That?