I pointed this out to someone (my boss) at work today, and he thinks that I'm probably carrying Renesmee-like, half vampire half human fetuses. It really makes sense if you think about it.
And if you read the Twilight series.
I did clarify that it counts as a C-Section. You know, if these babies gnaw their way out of my uterus of doom using their razor-sharp teeth. I'll probably have to have Robert Pattinson suck on my neck and turn me immortal, but at least I'll get 8 paid weeks off work instead of 6. Gotta think positive.
Like when I puked at my desk at work this week. I mean, it was embarrassing and it really pissed me off. But also? If I hadn't? I probably wouldn't have had room to eat that giant bowl of homemade apple crisp before bed. Sure, it gave me raging heartburn but it was damn delicious. Sunshine, rainbows, Robert Pattinson, etc.
Here's some pictures of me at 18 weeks. Twins on the left, Singleton on the right. I think I look pretty much the same so far. But holy hell! You can definitely tell that I have a nicer camera now!
At 18 weeks with Olivia, I had gained 8 or 9 pounds. I've gained just under 15 this time. I think I'm on the verge of some major belly explosion, though.
And I'm pretty sure that the extra six pounds have taken residence in my thighs. I tried to wear a pair of my regular jeans with a bella* band, and the denim around my thighs actually told me to get real and then screamed and set itself on fire.
One week and one day until we find out if it's a sausage fest or a taco party in my uterus! My money is on sausage. But just for this, because otherwise, I am not a fan of sausage. The breakfast meat, I mean. I like some sausage.
(OK, this is just taking a turn for strange, so I'm going to go to bed.)
(I'll probably dream about sausage now. Ugh.)
*Alright, I couldn't resist. It's Twilight-related. Ish.**
**Shut up.