I pointed this out to someone (my boss) at work today, and he thinks that I'm probably carrying Renesmee-like, half vampire half human fetuses. It really makes sense if you think about it.
And if you read the Twilight series.
I did clarify that it counts as a C-Section. You know, if these babies gnaw their way out of my uterus of doom using their razor-sharp teeth. I'll probably have to have Robert Pattinson suck on my neck and turn me immortal, but at least I'll get 8 paid weeks off work instead of 6. Gotta think positive.
Like when I puked at my desk at work this week. I mean, it was embarrassing and it really pissed me off. But also? If I hadn't? I probably wouldn't have had room to eat that giant bowl of homemade apple crisp before bed. Sure, it gave me raging heartburn but it was damn delicious. Sunshine, rainbows, Robert Pattinson, etc.
Here's some pictures of me at 18 weeks. Twins on the left, Singleton on the right. I think I look pretty much the same so far. But holy hell! You can definitely tell that I have a nicer camera now!
At 18 weeks with Olivia, I had gained 8 or 9 pounds. I've gained just under 15 this time. I think I'm on the verge of some major belly explosion, though.
And I'm pretty sure that the extra six pounds have taken residence in my thighs. I tried to wear a pair of my regular jeans with a bella* band, and the denim around my thighs actually told me to get real and then screamed and set itself on fire.
One week and one day until we find out if it's a sausage fest or a taco party in my uterus! My money is on sausage. But just for this, because otherwise, I am not a fan of sausage. The breakfast meat, I mean. I like some sausage.
(OK, this is just taking a turn for strange, so I'm going to go to bed.)
(I'll probably dream about sausage now. Ugh.)
*Alright, I couldn't resist. It's Twilight-related. Ish.**
**Shut up.
This post made me laugh...I'm a Twilight fan and loved how you managed to work some good pictures into this post!! Hey...maybe you'll dream of RP instead of sausage? Or...umm...maybe both...??? Could be good...
You really do look the same... lucky you!
I haven't figured out what you are having yet, when I know, I'll let you know and we'll see if I am right!
You look smaller, actually.
(I mean that in a nice way. Ahem...)
You crack me up.
I sure hope there isn't a pair of little Rennessme's in there... you won't come out of it alive! :)
And... I agree. You totally look smaller with the twins!!
Made me laugh as usual...You look great! Sorry about the whole puking at your desk thing though..yuck.
You look very cute but no sweet dreams for me tonight - puking at work and babies gnawing way out of uterus all a bit much.
Not sure which is worse, frankly.
Ha ha ha you used Renesme-like. Brilliant.
I think you look smaller as well! I thought with girls, you typically gain in your thighs so I'm thinking you might have two tacos in there! I've had boys and my thighs didn't get bigger with either!
You are one of those too cute for words pregnant girls. Congrats and keep growing!
If you have a taco can you please name her Tabitha Ruth and nickname her Truth? Please? Yes, I'm crazy, does that matter?
name your twins renesme and i will unfollow you.
j/k, you'd make it hilarious.
also, kiss my ass for gaining 15 pounds and making it looks like 8 or 9. i gain 5 and it looks like 20.
If I'm not mistaken, didn't you fall in love with some Jimmy Dean breakfast sausages during the heavy duty diabetes days?
You look wonderful--sorry you feel like shit.
Cheryl from Redbook
so if it is a sausage fest are you naming them Edward and Jacob?
and of course Bella and Renesmee for the tacos?
Oh and yes you look smaller this time - hate you
and nice RP pics :)
I think you look great! And nice Twilight references.
Thanks for giggle to start off the day -- there's coffee splatters on my screen now. :P
You look great! and yes, you look the same as with the first pregnancy. :o) I had people telling me by 20 weeks that I looked like I was carrying twins. Um, hi, I'm pregnant, I'm short, my belly is suppose to be big, thanks for commenting tho.
I can't believe you are 18 weeks already. This is going by fast (for me, probably not for you). You are ridiculously cute for sporting around some twins. I'm a sausage fan (all greasy, fatty varieties), so I'm voting for the meats. Although, tacos are nice and cute, so that would be fun too. Can't wait to hear the big news!
I hate (maybe just dislike... no hate) women who can wear a belly band and their normal jeans throughout their pregnancy. It's not right that not all women have humongous thighs when pregnant. By six weeks, my belly band was a JOKE. An evil, evil joke.
boys! boys! boys! i always root for boys.
So, what I want to know is...is the soap the same in both pictures, in the lower right hand corner? Because that's what's important, you know.
I'll bet your hair looks fabulous since you're baking twins. See? Bright side. I totally miss my pregnancy hair.
You look great! Nice muscle tone in your forearm, BTW.
The first picture of R Pattz you linked to makes him look homeless though. That vacuous open-mouthed expression they always have celebrities do makes them look concussed, in my opinion.
Can't wait for all the blog hits you'll get using the word sausage.....
Oh and you've cleaned off your bathroom counter since growing 1 human also.
Love it...
Ahh, I'd eat and be hungry an hour later. I think they pretty much gobbled up the calories faster than I could put them back!
That whole Renesme pregnancy thing was really creepy to me!
Did you know that you find out your babies' sex the same day as Beverly from ababymaybe? Just FYI.
Here I wanna some information about a Medical term that is called Tubal reversal and most of women’s didn’t know about it. So here I m providing you useful information…
A tubal reversal is a procedure to reconnect the fallopian tubes in a woman who has previously undergone surgical sterilization, known as tubal ligation. In a tubal reversal operation, the surgeon removes the portion of each fallopian tube that has been blocked or cut. Once the damaged portion has been removed, the tubes are reconnected to form a complete, open fallopian tube.
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