I wish I could upload a picture of my swollen face from my phone. You guys? It's epic. I don't know if it's the steroids or the preeclampsia or some side effect of disgusting hospital food, but my face is YOUGE! And feels like it's stuffed full of cotton. I sent it to a friend, and her husband called me Jabba the Hut. And I mean seriously, I laughed my ass off because the accuracy of that observation defines the saying, "it's funny because it's true."
Last night, I got the results of the 24 Hour Pee Jug Extravaganza. Apparently, 300 or higher is mild preeclampsia. My number was just over 1600. So I win! I win at the Pee Jug Extravaganza! My prize is a cookie and a scheduled c-section tomorrow!
It looks like tiny twin isn't in good enough shape to tolerate labor. I trust my doctor's opinion. She's twin B and is breech anyway. Given her recent behavior, I'm sure I'd deliver Hog Baby vaginally and then have to have a C for my stubborn itty bitty because that just seems to be the way this pregnancy goes.
I'm...ok. Ish. Off and on nervous. I go from, "I will rock the shit out of this shitty situation!" to just plain old, "shit."
Things that keep me positive: two full doses of steroids to strengthen their lungs. 32 weeks. My body isn't helping them at this point. I'm in good hands. I can drink beer soon. I can wear SHOES soon!
Things that are peeing in my cheerios: 32 weeks. Uterus of doom is making this all my fault. I won't see Olivia for another 4 days. I might not see these babies for a while. Holy hell they are cutting me all open and whatnot.
I think it'll all be fine. It is nice to have a plan anyway.
Family of five, coming right up!!!
You can rock this! 32 weeks isn't so bad! And families of 5 are fun. TWINS!!!
Seriously, though, I'll be praying for safety and health for all of you! And I know it's hard having one at home.
zomg. I can't believe your bloodwork was all perfect & your pee is all sucky. Whats worse is that they were going to send you home! I know how you feel about not seeing Olivia. I've been in the hospital once this time & it sucked not being able to see Peyton. However, I have a peri visit today that may or may not result in me having to head over to the hospital, so needless to say, i'm taking my laptop and phone charger, just in case. You will do great, and these babies will do great..i'm excited to see if the size difference is noticable in pictures. Good luck!
Praying for you & the babies! Not only do I have twins, but twin neices as well. They were born at 32 weeks weighing 3 lbs 12 oz and 5 lbs 1 oz (itty baby and huge baby for 32 wks). And they were so good...only spent 2 1/2 weeks in the NICU! Can't wait to see your girls!
32 weeks is awesome for twins (that is when I delivered mine!), and 32 weekers have a really great "prognosis" (for lack of a better term) -- sure, be prepared for some NICU time, but you'll have two healthy little girls home with Olivia in no time at all. Good luck tomorrow!
You WILL rock this! Good luck, Mama! :)
I had a vag delivery for 1st & c-sections for 2nd & 3rd. I'd take the c/s any day of the week! Good luck and I'm sending happy thoughts your way.
just wanted to say that I am thinking about you! My daughter was born 2 weeks after Olivia, so I feel like she and Olivia are friends :) She can't wait to meet the twins!
Mom of a former 32 weeker, now 2.5 year old here. I just sent you an email but wanted to say that I am praying for you and the girls. The NICU is a tough road, but you will all get through it. Wishing you luck and a speedy recovery!
You can do it! I'll be sending good wishes your way and I'll be looking for updates!
Since you have to have them now and all, way to go on getting the entire 2010 tax deduction for two babies. ;)
Cheering for you tomorrow, and realize that c-sections are surgeries that are done *every* day, so while it's a big deal to get cut open, it's not like it's experimental procedures. So glad that you were able to get 2 shots of steroids to help the baby's lungs grow and glad that the NICU will be able to help tiny twin grow bigger!
nicu stories are always ...awesome. (really!)
If anyone can Rock this, It's you! Sending prayers and best wishes your way!! Good luck!
Good luck! You'll do great!
While it's got to be scary to be dealing with all this, there is one other plus to the situation. You get two new dependents on your taxes for 2010. Yay deductions!
I'll be praying for you. Those baybees have an amazing mommy!
I know this wasn't how you wanted their entrance to be, but I know you will be all Rockstar-ish about it! C-sections aren't too bad. I have had two. Just keep telling the drug doc at your head what is going on with you (nauseaus, dizzy, shaky, etc) and she/he will put something in your iv to fix it. No need to suffer needlessly. Just let them know asap.
Drugs are your friend. Better than beer. And if they make you itchy, make sure to ask for benadryl or something similar in your iv at the same time they give the painkiller (it was morphine both times with me) so it immediately counteracts the itchies. No need being pain free but wanting to claw your skin off, and then getting the itch relief as the pain relief is wearing off.
Can't wait to "meet" your two new family members! Oh, and make sure hog baby doesn't try to steal the other NICU babies' food. Our kid was the biggest one in there, and we kept joking that he ate one of the real preemies. Perhaps that was only funny to us? Hm. Rock, it, Jen!!
I had 2 C's and they were fabulous. Because basically? Nothing came out of my vagina. I prefer to not have cold instruments/baybee humans/other stuff coming in/out of/or near my delicate parts. So YOU WILL ROCK the C!!! I will expect lots delicious pictures!!!
You're going to do great! I had a c-section at 34 weeks with my twins, and here's the upside to NICU babies: You get to recover from your c-section before you have to take the twins home and be responsible for them. (Yes, there's lots of suckiness too, so I'm letting you know a silver lining) 32 weeks is going to be fine. Hang in there. Can't wait to "meet" them.
Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly and you're holding those little girls soon - also hoping the NICU time is minimal. How's Mark doing? Is he chewing all of his food into microscopic pieces?
Rock it!!!
Best of luck today...hello twins!!
yay for tax deduction babies! hang in there--you are handling the situation with grace and humor, which is really admirable. sending excellent thoughts to all five of you!
Good luck, welcome twinsies!
I don't mean to get all assvicey, since we haven't properly met (long-time lurker, first-time caller), but since my word verification word is squush, I'm going to share a little about my pre-e and c-section experience.
Bottom line: I would have another one if I were ever pregnant again, so it's not going to be a horror story. Just two leeetle things I would have tried to do differently. 1) Talk to the anesthesiologist about finding that space between comfort and zomg-I'm-stuck-in-a-drug-induced-haze-and-I'm-missing-the-first-hours-of-the-baby's-existence. They will make you as comfortable as you ask, so try to establish an upper limit before you start asking. 2) All the extra IV fluids do no necessarily dissapate on their own. At discharge, I was heavier than I'd entered the hospital and couldn't bend my knees. I was told to walk, so I shuffled around in tears. I ended up back in the hospital with pre-e a week after delivery. Not cool. Now I know about a little product called Lasix, which can be given by IV or in pill form, and would ask for it again if any of the swelling remained for more than 24 hours.
Ah crap, this hasn't been short at all. Apologies! I hope that you have a safe and quick delivery, very healthy babes, and a good recovery.
Good luck!
Get the nurse to take your picture with your Iphone! I'm relieved to know that you soon will be deflated/out of your misery and that the babes are okay. Ane that we might get pictures of the cutie pies. I had 4 C-sections. First day is painful but you get better hour by hour. Hope the babes are Rockstars outside the uterus and get to come home in record time.
You'll rock that c-section and next year this time your house will be brimming with love and fun with all those girls.
Thinking of you and the twins! Good luck today!
I don't know whether it's better to know you are going to have preemies or be totally freakin' surprised when your water breaks weeks early.
Either way, NICU nurses really tend to be amazing women (no sexism there, just didn't see any men in there except for dads and doctors) who will provide as much support for you as they do your little girls. Take it.
Sending good thoughts your way for tomorrow! Hang in there.
Crossing my fingers for you and your twinnies and your family of FIVE! I'm so happy that you made it all the way to 32 weeks when the doom and gloom talk started way back at 26 weeks. That's pretty amazing.
And someone already said it, but the NICU? While I'd HATE to be there again for obvious reasons, it is AMAZING. And I've never heard differently about any other one ever. Your girls are going to be in AMAZING hands. They'll be plump and crying before you know it. And then eventually this will all be a distant memory. (Well, maybe not the huge feet...)
Good luck! 32 weeks is early but not terrible. My dr. always told me that twins develop faster than singletons because of the stress of the crowding. Between that and the steroids, you have every reason to believe this will turn out well. You'll be able to see them before you know it. Even if they wheel you in a wheelchair. They took me in after my c-section in my recovery bed. Just wheeled me on in there. They even let me hold my boys. Hey, Jabba.. May the force be with you.... Ok I couldn't help it.
Thinking of you . . . and thinking of a friend who's Christmas card arrived a day late (who cares) with photos of her now 15 month old twins, who were born at 27.5 weeks and have hit ALL of their milestones. Her boy is HUGE. Her girl is right on track.
You can do this, they can do this. Little divas already, sheesh.
As for hot dog boy - I can see where the drama comes from, ahem?!
32 weeks with 2 baybeez in there, that already rocks it! Really, if 36 weeks can be considered full-term, you were just down from the finish line! I have all the faith that all of this will go just fine, you are getting great medical care and it sounds like your doctor has got it under control. Of course, it's always easier to say don't be scared when you're not in the shoes (or out of them in your case).
Will they let Olivia come visit? I know when we had our daughter last year they had just implemented that "pain in my arse, no children under 10 due to the swine flu even if you are paying a gazillion dollars to have your baybee here and have been building this day up to your son so he'll be prepared to share his castle with a crying baybee thankyouverymuch" rule and I cried and made their life miserable until they agreed to let him come up. Phew!
Sending lots of prayers ya'lls way and can't wait to meet the twins (and of course hear all about Olivia's reaction to them)!
P.S. you deserve a 6 foot trophy for rockin' the pee jug extravaganza... if you're gonna go high, might as well go sky-high! ;o)
Thinking of you ... wishing you the best of luck.
Thinking of you, lovey. All will be well.
I've never left you a comment before but I read your blog and wanted to wish you good luck! After 37 hours of labor, I had a c-section (cried on my way to the OR) but, honestly, it wasn't that bad. GOOD LUCK!
Best of luck! Ugh, what an incredibly terrifying and exciting day!
Praying for you and the tiny people inside your uterus. Much love.
Had my son via C at 33 weeks due to pre-e. It sucks but it will be good and you are all in the best possible hands.
And think of it this way. You don't have to worry about the BEETUS.
Good luck tomorrow.
Thinking of you! It's so hard to wait for something you're equally dreading and anticipating -- keep it together, lady! You'll be great, and so will they!
Wishing you and the babies a very healthy outcome. I'm so glad that at least you have lots of warning, time for steroid shots and planning, etc. And yay, family of five!
We are praying for you and your family! Think positive thoughts!
-Sarah from PA
You and your family are in my thoughts. Here's to happy healthy holiday babies!
Good luck, hope all goes well and you get to hold your babies soon
Welcome twins big and small. I am praying that things will go smooth and your whole family can be together soon.
You will rock it and twin girlies will too! Prayers going out for your soon to be 2/3 increased family!
Best of luck!
I had a scheduled c-section for my twins in March, and it was easy (relatively). Take good care of mama!
Good luck twin baybees! Do a good job getting strong in the NICU.
You did great making it to 32 wks!! And they got the steroids so that's a good thing. My b/g twins were born at 26w, 6d and I attribute those shots to helping them a great deal.
Good luck!! Sending thoughts and prayers your way for an easy recovery and healthy baby girls, just here a little early.
Best of luck tomorrow! Lots of people are thinking of you and are sending positive thoughts to all 5 of you!
Lots of prayers going up for you and your family!
My prayers are with you! You and the babies will rock this out! Update as soon as you can!
I will agree with someone earlier that while 32 weeks ain't 36, it's sure a whole lot better than 26. Rock on to those little girls and to the ginormous-Jabba-faced one. A family of 5 here you come!
Good luck tomorrow!!!
Good thoughts heading yours and the baybees' way!
You did good getting them to 32 weeks with all that's gone on. C-sections are fine (I've had two) - I agree with the other commenter who said to be sure to communicate with the anesthesiologist about your comfort level (I had an a-hole who didn't listen to me until the doc stepped in - so it's important). Also, be sure to get the band (it's a band that goes around your midsection - looks kind of like an ace bandage with velcro) - it helps support the incision area so you can get around a little easier, plus it helps get some of the excess fluid out of you (don't ask me how).
Good luck! Thinking of you guys and waiting to hear!
Dec. 30th is the birthday of one of my favorite people in the world--may that be an auspicious sign for you! You've come through so much and kept such an amazing attitude. Good luck and may you get to snuggle those healthy, happy, adorable babies very very soon!
You'll do great Jen! I had a C and was pleasantly surprised...(and I don't think I tolerate pain all too well), but if you've come this far w/what you've been through, there's no doubt you'll rock this thing.
My only suggestion is to have Mark document some of it on camera/video--I couldn't see any of my baby getting cleaned off and weighed and stuff because of the big sheet/divider they will put up. Although you'll still be open/in surgery at that point so maybe you might not want any of that on video... ;)
Prayers and thoughts w/you!!
Making it to 32 weeks is GREAT! You've done a great job! Now you get to meet them! And I've heard a big benefit of the NICU is that they get your twins on a manageable schedule (and even more important, the SAME schedule!). And as others have pointed out, 2 more 2010 tax deductions- that's a lot of diapers! I know you would have rather carried them longer, but there are some silver linings. Best wishes for a good delivery, healthy babies, and a speedy recovery!
You will rock this shit.
I know you are going through a lot a lot a lot of emotions right now. 32 weeks with growth restriction on itty bitty is super scary. But I have a 6 year old nephew who experienced growth restriction and loss of 90% of aminiotic fluid at 29 weeks and delivered at 31. He was in the NICU for two and a half months. He was very tiny and very ill for the first few weeks. It was all very scary....but again, now he is SIX. He made it! Medical advances in NICU care are amazing. Stay strong as you can and lean on others when you can't.
Good Luck, Jen. Prayers for you and your babes! You will be super awesome :)
Good luck, good luck, good luck. I hope with all of my heart everything works out perfectly for you and the babies.
NONE of this is your fault - don't even think that! There is no blame to place or accept in this situation. You got well past the 26 week mark when everything started spinning out of control (and when we all started to worry) - and that is because of YOU, your positive attitude, and your will to do the best you possibly could for your girls. You've done great!
Good Luck!
Good luck, Jen! You can so do this! You'll also be able to tease the twins in the future by telling them they weren't actually born; they were surgically removed. My brother used to tell me that, but I didn't laugh about it until I was older. I was kind of a cry baby.
I know it's hard, but really, try not to blame it on yourself. It's not like you would choose this if you had control over what your body is doing. The most important thing is for you to make the best decisions you can for the best possible income, and in my opinion (not that it matters anyway), you are totally doing all the right things you can do. Yay for safe babies even when they're itty bitty sweet ones!
You are so frick'n funny!
Your baby girls are rockstars! They will do amazing! It will be scary having them in the NICU, but like you said - you are in good hands - all of you!
Can't wait to read about your adventures as a mother to 3! girls! Yay!
p.s. what did Mark have stuck in his throat??
My friend just had a baby at 32 wks. He was almost 4 lbs, and is doing great. He'll be home in about 2 wks. :) Good luck with everything!!!
good luck tomorrow! 32 weeks is great, considering all you and your girls have been through. can't wait to hear how they are!
I had to deliver my daughter via scheduled C-section because of placenta previa. At first I was all boo, hoo, baby's birth won't be "natural". But that lasted for all of about one minute. Lemme tell ya, I had a "complicated" surgery (I also have a uterus of doom--as in the OBs in the OR were commenting like "It's amazing you got pregnant at all!" and "Wow, your uterus is so weird we're gonna take pictures!!!" and all of that lovely BS that you want to hear while in surgery). I had a perfect baby girl out of my tummy in <20 minutes and I was put back together--painlessly--in under 90 minutes. I did hurl, but I was honestly taken care of super well and I can't imagine being in labor for 24 hours?!?!? I am 100% sold on the c-section--you'll do GREAT! Smile! You're about to be the excellent mommy to three girls!
Heloooooo mega tax deductions! And December 30 is an AWESOME day to be born - you get to shop all of the Christmas and after-Christmas sales for both Christmas and birthdays. Sending you and your family warm wishes!
Heloooooo mega tax deductions! And December 30 is an AWESOME day to be born - you get to shop all of the Christmas and after-Christmas sales for both Christmas and birthdays. Sending you and your family warm wishes!
You'll do great and so will the preshus baybees!
Oh, and I am sure I'm not the only one excited to read a few updates at once! I know it's only over a few days but yaye! New posts!!! We love cheese, too!
you are probably the only person i know (well not really know but you are a no holds back kinds girl so i feel like i know you lol) but the only girl who can be going through everything you are at the moment and still blogging about it like you have just been told you will be getting mani-pedi tomorrow, lol. you rock, good luck xx
Keeping you in my thoughts! Good luck and keep us posted!
Wow, you amaze me with your ability to retain your incredible sense of humor in the midst of so much stress, you rock! Will be sending so many good thoughts, positive vibes, etc, etc your way tonight and tomorrow...hoping everything goes smoothly and that the steroids have done their job. Can't wait to hear how everyone is doing!!!
First time commenting, but I must say..
Good luck. You're inspiring.
Good luck!!!!! :)
Long time reader, first time poster, big time fan :) Just wanted to wish you all the best tomorrow!! My son was also born by emergency c-section at 32 weeks in May 2009 and he spent a month in the NICU but is a perfectly happy, perfectly healthy 19 month old today :) I'm sure your twins will do just as splendidly!
Advanced congratulations to you and your family!!
You are ALL going to rock that shit!!
Keep us posted. (when you can....clearly)
I have a friend who's twins were born at 32 weeks. She also had a tiny twin and a hog baby. Her miracles turned 3 years old on Christmas Eve. Aside from both needing glasses, they are perfect. You can totally do this!!
It's very exciting, and scary, but way exciting!!
Good Luck!
I'm sending good vibes your way! My water broke at 31 weeks on one of my twins. I made it to 34. The NICU where I delivered was absolutely amazing. I'm sure you will have a similar experience at your NICU. The nurses rocked! My husband is a Browns fan and talks about it frequently (i.e. to all the NICU nurses). I arrived at the NICU one morning to find one of my little boy dressed in a Steelers onesie! I almost peed my pants! My husband said it was like when a person touches a baby bird and then the mother bird pushes the baby bird out of the nest! Humor was all we had during that time. Remember to laugh and have faith. Shit manages to work itself out. You rock!
Good luck tomorrow!! You are such a trooper, Jen. The sense of humor and positive attitude you maintain, through all of the challenges life throws your way is totally awesome. And I just want to point out that we may have the shittiest sports teams in Cleveland, but we have some of the best neonatal care in the world. I am convinced you and your tiny twins will do great! xoxo
Oh... and everyone is talking about tax deductions... the twins will not only decrease your taxable income, but they will also earn you a tax credit. $1000 a pop baby. Ba-ling, Ba-ling. Thank you George W. Bush. Might be the only worthwhile thing he did....
On the brightside, your babies will get to share their birthday with ME, Matt Lauer, ~and~ Meridith Viera. What could be better than that... well maybe a few more weeks of baking, but I know that you all are in good hands. Good luck!
Happy Birthday Twinnie Twin Twins!!!! Good luck Jen!!!
Good luck tomorrow! For me it happen unexpectedly at 33 weeks 5 days. I only got about 8 hours in to my first steroid shot so it's great that you got both in!
Before you know it you will be back home with Olivia and spending a lot of time (but hopefully not too much) in the NICU. I seriously hope they are just growers and feeders like mine were. It's still rough but not as bad as if they were sick.
Welcome to my world!
Good luck, Ive had 3 C-sections and had pre-eclampsia with my first pregnancy. I know what you mean about having a huge face. I had never met the doctor that ended up delivering my first child. When I went in to have my incision checked 3 weeks later the doctor did not recognize me because my face looked so different. She was shocked at how different I looked. I will be thinking of you.
Good Luck! Happy Birthday Twinny Twin Twins!
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