I don't know why I hate everything. I just do. It is part of my...charm.
I've been working out because I'm super fat and I would like to not be super fat. I can deal with being just a little bit fat but not super fat. So I'm doing this 10k running program on my treadmill and then sometimes I walk at the park.
When I walk at the park, I walk 1.75 miles twice, around a lake. This sounds peaceful and beautiful and all that wonderful shit that people say about nature or whatever, but I can't enjoy it because of the small talk.
First of all, I hate small talk and pointless interaction with the general public. I feel like you probably already know that about me. Second, I am not one of those people who is all, hey! Let's work out together so we can chat and become closer as human beings! No. All I want is to listen to inappropriate music and sweat in peace.
I feel like I'm in the hateful minority and that most people love this whole, walk by the same people over and over and say hi every time routine. Bonus hate for anyone who tries to actually talk to me (hello! headphones! sweat! super fat!) or wants me to lift up the shade blanket to look at the baybee (hello! colic! newborn-ish! super fat!).
On Monday, a dog kept wanting to walk with me and was pulling away from its owner to come near me. I cannot explain why but I think that it probably was my smell of my two dogs and desperation to escape the situation that was so attractive.
So I'm sounding exactly like Lil Jon when I'm dealing with this completely fulfilling social interaction at the park. It goes like this:
*I smile, mouth the word hi.*
*They smile, peek into the stroller, say something I can't hear because hello! headphones!*
*I pull out an earbud*
Me: WHAT?!
They: blah blah blah baybee
35 pounds to lose...I'll probably be a rapper by the time I reach that goal and then I will become an instant YouTube sensation for my rippety-rappings and then, I promise, I will use my fame for good: to make cellulite totally desirable. I promise.
One more thing. I've gotten a couple Are You CrayCray comments about the BlogHer TV thing because I guess some people can't see it? I don't know. It's there, I swear. You should watch it, subscribe to some of the channels. If you can't see it in the top left of my blog then you can click on the ad at the top of this post.