Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Serenity Now, Insanity Later

Right now, I am positive that this is insanity.  However, I am having trouble remembering the serenity.

While I am bizzay trying to not smell like BO and desperation (for sleep, OMG), please watch some BlogHer TV.  These people are way more entertaining than me anyway.

I have really good intentions of posting tonight or tomorrow.  But my good intentions are basically worthless so.  Ya know.  TTYL KTHXBAI.  Or whatever.  I obviously cannot work, parent two children, and function.


Kristin said...

Is it just me or is Miss O practicing for a future in "photo bombing"?

And welcome to the "SAHM Insane Club" we will send you some ideas to keep your blender rolling...your welcome!

A New Beginning said...

I love Olivia's face in the background. She looks more surprised than a kid going to Disney world.

Rotten said...

The whole functioning and raising two young kids is borderline insanity and there is no amount of advice that makes it any easier except possibly for "have a cocktail as soon as you can."

Carrie said...

I agree with Rotten. Try not to become an alcoholic, but a cocktail in the evening (or at 11 a.m., as was my case yesterday), helps calm the nerves and makes everyone happier.

Allison said...

Oh yes--the few 2 months (at least) I was just hanging on for dear life. I now have a 3 year old and a 3 month old and am *starting* to feel a little more normal. Or a new normal, at least.