I am going to be a part of Nutrisystem Nation! For the next four months, I will eat all Nutrisystem, all the time.
I have thirty pounds to lose. It is all the fault of my children. Those little body wreckers who make me squeal with glee daily? Those ones. I blame them for all of the eating and lazing around that I did while I was pregnant for the past four years.
Alright...I know it is my fault that I haven't lost this weight. The real problem isn't my kids (although I can actually blame Adelle for my stretchmarks, THANKS ADELLE) it is my lack of self control paired with all day grazing. Being at home with my entire fridge and pantry available all the live long day seems to be too tempting for me. A handful of pretzels, a piece of string cheese, just one granola bar...those things really add up.
My hope with Nutrisystem is that I will learn portion control and when to stop eating. Because it is easy to say that I will stop eating when I'm full, but everything tastes so delicious and I always manage to keep eating until I am STUFFED. It's a problem.
My fear is that I will hate it, if I am being honest. That I'll spend dinner looking longingly at Mark's dinner. Or that for whatever reason it won't work and I will be stuck with this weight. OR that it will work and I will lose all of this stupid weight and then gain it all back.
The first order of food should be coming any day and I can't wait to get started. I was able to order most of my meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack) and I really ordered one of everything because I need to figure out what I like.
So that's it. I will write a weekly post about how it is going.
Want to join me in being more healthy by taking control of your weight loss? Join Nutrisystem today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by clicking here.
Disclosure: I am being provided the Nutrisystem Women's SUCCESS Select as a part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, in exchange for writing about my experience with the program. All opinions are mine and have not been influenced in any way.
Good luck! I hope the food is tasty and filling and that you have much success!
Oh my! I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes. I've always thought about trying it but was too afraid of the financial commitment. Can't wait to hear about it.
Good luck!
I had great success with NutriSystem! The food is actually pretty good - but it's definitely an adjustment in getting used to the portions. I found that the meals that seemed bigger were the ones that I would re-order all the time. Pancakes, taco salad, and their potato soup were some of my favorites! Sometimes my kids wanted what I was eating! I lost more than 20 lbs when I was on it. Best of luck to you - sounds like you are in a great mind-set for it!
I cannot wait to follow along on your journey!
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
My husband and I did nutrisystem together, what seems like a lifetime ago! Before kids, in preparation to start trying, so, 5 years ago. We did really well on it. I lost 35 lbs and my husband lost 50. In 4-5 months. The first 2 months we did straight NS food, the next few months we followed the same program but substituted grocery store food that was similar. (oatmeal, special k with protein, south beach protein bars, soups, healthy choice type meals, etc.) it definitely works! I don't know that I could have done it with him still eating regular food in front if me though! Good luck! The food was ok. Most of it tastes similar to healthy choice or lean cuisine type meals. I'd stay away from the egg breakfasts. At least when 5 years ago they were pretty gross. I still follow a lot of the program in my head when I'm tying to lose weight. (3 veggie serving, 3 fruits a day, portions, etc) hope it works for you!
Good luck! I hope it is what works for you!
Are you going to do before and after pics, and measurements? I'm on a different diet and I get so hooked on the scale that I get discouraged but, alas.......I measure myself and find that I am loosing inches :) Good luck!!
I know someone who did Nutrition System and lost 30 pounds! Good luck! :-)
you can do it! everyone I know that has tried Nutrisystem has lost whatever they were trying to, and kept it off. it's impressive, really.
and if not, we'll just blame Adelle some more ;)
Good luck! I am doing WW right now but someone suppling my food sounds really nice!!! Also, the ad at the top of your Nutrisystem post was for WW, ha!!! If they only knew!
Be warned. You will fart a lot. There is a boatload of fillers and preservatives in the food, so added fiber and maltodextrin. The farts are frequent and they are FOUL. I had so much gastric distress that I had to stop using the program.
I did lose weight, 7lbs the first week (I had 50 to lose post-twins). Then I went to WW and lost the rest sans Nutri-toots as they are called on the message boards :)
Good for you! I'm thinking of doing it in March!! Please keep us update on the foods you like and don't like>
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