Monday, January 14, 2013

Seven Months

Adelle is seven months old.  Read while I tell you about all the things she does that are the same things that every baby does when they are seven months old except I think they are special because my baybee is infinitely more interesting than any other baby ever born in this universe or any other!

It seems like the last bits of colic have gone, and now there is just a happy little ball of beef who spends her time smiling, trying to crawl, and hurling herself at any object that catches her interest regardless of the probable injury that may occur.  And she is grabby!  I was talking to Olivia and looked back at Adelle to see that she had a fist full of scrambled eggs and spinach from my plate. 

Now that she is somewhat mobile, using a combination of army crawl, backwards crawl, and rolling, she is much more content.  She can get to the things she wants to play with or to the room she wants to be in.  It seems that she likes the kitchen because she can make noise by slapping the floor and kicking the doors.  I am able to walk away from her without her crying now which is nice because I am not built to hold a baby all the live long day.

She loves to eat food.  Veggies even.  Which I will not let fool me, because Olivia loved veggies too and now?  Well, when I want to sneak a piece of chocolate and she asks me what I'm eating, I tell her veggies so that she won't ask to share.  I even let her gnaw on a graham cracker for 45 minutes while I painted cabinets.  Food bribes are the best.

She is obsessed with the dog toys despite having about 47,000 baby toys at her disposal.  She loves her sister more than anyone.   She is all smiles but will make you work for a giggle.  She is still a swaddle addict.  She is still kind of a crap sleeper but at least is getting more predictable.  Naps are around the same time each day and the night wakings are, too.  We tried some sleep training but after two weeks and a three hour middle of the night cryfest I decided that it is just easier to get my ass up in the middle of every night.  Whatever. 

There are two teeth just almost popping through.  I can feel the sharp edge of one, and the other is a big white gumbubble.  I can say with absolute certainty that this child is the Worst Teether Ever OMG.  Screaming awake every two hours all day and night until the fuckers cut through. 

I love this baby.


Rebecca said...

What a doll face and I just love how you slapped that 7 sticker over an already decorated shirt. Something I'd do.

Captcha thinks I can read .004 font.

Aimee said...

Haha you, my friend, are so funny. I think we may live nearby each other.. I remember from FOREVER ago that you said you were a former Zip? I'm an Akron alum, too! Woo! I'd love to connect sometime.. My daughters are 4 and 18 mo. :))

Mel said...

She's so cute! I see both Ainsley and Olivia in her sweet little face. No doubt Evelyn would have shared her sisters' cuteness as well. You make some good looking kids!

Jenna Hatfield said...

So cute!

And hooray for goodbyes to colic!

Brenda said...

How is it that you have the cutest kids on the planet?? Well, next tommy baybees of course!

V said...

Some good looking babies! Congrats on no more colic and moving around. :)

dspence said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute.

Am jealous that a food bribe buys you 45 minutes - Monkey used to scoff an entire rusk in 2 minutes flat.

Roz said...

Too funny. Laughed outloud at that 2nd to last line. Wishing you more sleep soon!

leahjane8 said...

She is friggin adorable. You reminding me about the hells of teething are making me question my recent decision to have another baby....

Emily @ TheLastWord said...

What a little nugget!