Thursday, April 17, 2008


It's been another fabulous school week of getting back tests that I took last week, and a) did not study enough for, and b.) figured I failed miserably. And another week of just eeking by with B's in both! While some people might call that mediocre, I say B's get degrees, bitches!

Which leads me to my next point (or, my first point, depending on how you look at it): Aren't I a SUPERSTAR?! B's? OMG! Genious. I'm not sure how I manage to do it, and I keep trying to think about how I do, and I think my feelings would be best expressed by a monologue from the classic and very educational Anchorman:

I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

And sometimes, when I get nervous, I put my fingers under my arms and then smell them, like this...

And after I finish a test, I like to fall backwards and crush a table, and expose my white granny panties.


the Babychaser: said...

Oh yes, you are a total superstar! Consider this: you've been spending 90% of your energy and brainpower dealing with IVF, hormones, craziness, etc. So you got Bs with only 10% of your effort available! Amazing!

Marie said...

Girl you are too funny. Not to toot my own horn but I too am a fellow mediocre(sp?) student and pull a very shallow load at that least I am not sitting on the couch eating bon-bons right?

Malloryn said...

You are most definitely a superstar! Nothing wrong with B's, as you said. :)

'Anchorman' is one of my most favorite movies EVAH! Your quote makes me want to watch it again. I love lamp!

C said...

lol! superstar is what you are!

Jill said...

Jen-you are so funny! And, I'm totally impressed that with everything crazy going on in your life right now that you are able to pull off B's with little effort. Good job!