And also? I put that my due date was 2/24/08. So clearly I had this baby 5 months ago and gave it away to someone else during the cry all night period. Because who wants to put up with that shit?
My due date is 2/24/2009.
So here it is - the little cupcake in my easy bake uterus:
It's a picture of a picture, since we are hillbillies with no scanner. But I think it does the job. You can see the little cupcake floating around, wreaking havoc on my digestive system and making me so tired that I can't remember how to spell words like wreaking and delirious without looking them up on
Since I'm on week 7, the baby has arms (with elbows!) and legs (with knees!) and a pointy head. Oh? And a tail. And an appendix! I bet its the cutest appedix evah!
All Day Sickness is interesting. This morning, I woke up and thought maybe I was dreaming. I felt so fucking awesome! I didn't feel like puking in the sink! Hot damn! I even felt good enough to eat a bowl of Crunch Berries (yummmm) before I left for work.
It was going to be a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day.
Until about half way to work, when I thought that I might need to pull over on the side of the turnpike and take a nap because holding the steering wheel was making my arms so goddamned tired. Just, like, a 10 minute nap, to ease my nausea and make it so that I could steer without pain. Unfortunately, there are no places to pull over, so I had to hold out.
And I don't actually throw up. No. I think I am going to throw up. I KNOW I am going to throw up. So I go in the work bathroom and pick the cleanest stall, and risk catching the plague to sit on the skanky floor and hold back my hair.
I get spit mouth.
I gag.
I heave a little just smelling the toilet water.
I do not vomit.
I must have really looked shiteous, too, because two of my coworkers were all, "Oh, Jen, are you not feeling well?" Yes, I am glad that I look disgusting enough for people to notice.
I am so pretty.
It is also really hard to plan meals. Yesterday for dinner, I made a chicken and rice bake that was delicious. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I packed the leftovers for lunch today thinking that it would be equally delicious tomorrow.
No dice.
I had to pick out the chicken because it smelled like rotten raccoon in 90 degree weather to me. Arby's sounded delicious, so we got that. One day at a time, I guess.
You know what's crazy about the whole thing? I love my all day sickness. I appreciate the bigger purpose of it. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
*Very hilarious, by the way.
Your little Cupckae is perfect!!! And, I'm glad you are feeling crappy and glad you could join me in all its glory! Good for you!
Oh dear. I've been there. I found the worst part was brushing my teeth, as it became a neverending cycle. The toothbrush would make me sick, hence I required a toothbrush...
I lived on crisps (I feel you American types call them chips) and dry biscuits for weeks. But Oh! the joy when it eventually recedes. Rotten raccoon is a not a whiff I've ever had the pleasure of inhaling; I think severely dead sheep is the closest I've come. Getting the general picture though.
Lovely pic. And quite obviously a stupendously talented baby.
Man, I always wanted an Easybake as a kid. Now I want one again!
Yay for your cupcake - boo for your rotten raccoon casserole.
I, honestly, can not think of anyone who I would rather help celebrate the tired, barfy, raccoon-ey stench hating months ahead than you, Mark and your Easy-Bake innerts.
Congrats again. Seeing the picture of the picture of you spawn is awe inspiting!
I love your little picture!! While morning sickness does suck to some extent, thank goodness you have it!! And as always, your detail of it makes us laugh. I swear you could be in stand-up...
Hey, your post and the first scan pictures brought me hope.
Awwwww! So cute!!! I want and easy bake cupcake!!
AWWW... cupcake's the sweetest!
Hey, care to share some of your chicken and rice bake receipe?? I can't cook and need help in that department!
Jen, I want to share with you something... go get some folic acid.. they sell it at walmart... start taking it, it might make you feel better about being tired all the time.. I have been tired my whole life and never knew why.. I dont absorb folic acid and I have a blood clotting disorder.. well the only way I found out was becuase I lost my baby girl Kelley at 19.5 weeks. she had a blood clot in her cord. try that and let me know if you feel better and then tell your doctor...
oh by the way I just took a hpt and yes I have faint lines... I am hoping its a girl again...
much love
I love that little cupcake already!! Mom
Congrats on the barfing! Under any other circumstance, it would be totally gross!
So glad to hear things are going well.
Jen, this sounds all to familiar, the same thing happened to me with chicken. I fact I still can't eat it, and am repulsed by meat as well. My m.d. recommended me getting some high protein boost. It definately makes cooking a challenge, and my husband has been suffering. Oh well it will be worth it in the end!! Suzy
O Jen, I feel ya on the morning sickness!! I pray that around week 12 you will start to feel better! And what a great pic!!!!
Awwwww cupcake!
I'd like to say sorry about the All Day sickness, but um... I'm mostly not (cuz I'm a tad jealous). :) I'm sure it's a constant reminder of all of the happiness that is going on in your uterus!
Do you think your co-workers suspect anything?? Hmmm... I wonder. Though probably not if they're not infertile whores. Only us infertile whores look at every woman we meet and wonder if they're pregnant. And then decide they must be if they sniffle, cough, gag, or do anything to suggest they are not 100% feeling perfect... although if they are feeling perfect and glowing, we suspect it then, too.
Anyway, I love the u/s pic!! And you're right, what a gorgeous appendix that is. Though I do hope s/he loses that tail, we wouldn't want the other kids making fun of him/her.
I remember those days. Once I made baked sweet potatoes for dinner and had to rip the dish out of the oven mid-bake and throw them in the back yard. It smelled like boiling vomit to me and I had to get it out of the house or die. When Kevin came home he had to clean up the yard. Fun times.
I drank water with lemon in it non-stop, and that helped. Citrus smells really worked for me, too. Hang in there! It gets better!
Rotten raccoon...
I didn't mention it on my blog, but we went away on a vacation a few weeks ago, and there was a heat wave in San Diego (90s) while we were gone.
You might not wanna read this if you are feeling sick.
When we came back from vacation, a rat trap just outside our garage had a little friend in it. Not a rat, but a Dead Skunk. Who had sat in the heat for 4 days. Complete with maggots.
S had to deal with that one. In fact, he didn't even tell me about it right away. He just told me not to open the garbage can at all, ever, until after the garbage truck came by to collect the trash a couple days later.
I'm so happy for you and your easy bake uterus! Hope the all sickness eases up! (in a sick way, i'm glad you have them though. for the *BIG* reason of course!)
I have one word for you: ZOFRAN. go get some.
and that's THE cutest cupcake I've seen lately! how exciting!
Love your little cupcake. Just too cute for words.
Your rotten raccoon reference made me smile today. Thanks. (:
Make yourself throw up first thing in the morning. People told me all kinds of things to help with the nausea, but the only thing they are good for is giving you something to throw up. I found that if I made myself throw up, I was fine the rest of the day.
Just put your elbows on the seat and stare at the toilet water. Inhale a few times and it should come right up. If not, take one of the remedies people suggest like crackers or gingerale and try again.
Congratulations on your cupcake! While I don't normally wish illness upon anyone, I'm perversely wishing you just enough morning (noon and night) sickness to reassure you that (s)he is there.
The smell of mint was an absolute Godsend to me when I felt queasy. Gingersnaps helped settle my stomach too. Again, congrats!
Hi Jen, it's karenandjeff from the nest. You and I discussed Dr. G a few weeks ago and wanted to see if you could email me. I am thinking of switching doctor's and have a few questions about your RE if you don't mind. I really appreciate it!!!!!
Hey Jen! Beautiful little cupcake! Sorry about the MS...hope it gets better soon!
Yeah!!!! Congrats on the heartbeat and all day sickness. Very happy for you!
LOVE IT!!!!!!!! I'm so freaking happy for you both!!!!!!!!!
awe what a cutey! thanks for posting the pic!
I always wanted an easybake oven too, but my paranoid mother was concerned about fire risks. That is why I struggle in the kitchen today.
The baby is BEAUTIFUL. A little blobby, but beautiful.
Who's a little cutie cupcake? Yes you are! Oh yes you are!
Hope the sickness abates soon and leaves you alone, but mostly I hope for you to stay healthy and happy and able to eat enough to get that little cupcake nice and chubby!
ohhhhh, the all day sickness! When I was pregnant the first time, I was sick morning, noon and night. I often wished I could find the person who misleadingly called it morning sickness and throw up on there presumably expensive ahoes.
And it was so sudden(the waves of nausea) I would literally be in the middle of a sentence and BAM, I'd be running for the bathroom. It will get better though. Trust me. Though that doesnt help now, at least you know it'll stop eventually.
The heartburn lasted muuuuch longer for me than the nausea did.
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