I have a bit of a confession, too. Based on my measurement at my first ultrasound, a start a new week each Tuesday. So tomorrow I will be 15 (!) weeks. BUT, based on our exact day of scientifically fueled conception, I would start a new week the Thursday before. So based on that date, I'd be 15 weeks 5 days tomorrow.
Usually I split the difference. On Saturday each week, I start saying that I am whatever the next week is. Mostly because I feel the need to rationalize the size of my ass and stomach by being as far along as possible...especially around late afternoon, when all of the food I ate for breakfast and lunch are sitting in my stomach, undigested, and making me look huge.
Kind of like shoving waffles, a sandwich, and apple, some crackers, a yogurt, and maybe a string cheese, directly down my pants. I look like the old lady who swallowed a fly, except I don't want to die so I won't swallow a horse (of course).
Weight gain shot up a little, now at +6 pounds. This could be attributed to the increased holiday weekend eating combined with the lack of holiday pooping. (You're welcome for that.)
According to all the books/websites, I should be able to feel the baby move in the next few weeks. And I can't stop trying to be an overachiever by laying still in bed at night and focusing on my abdomen. So far, nothing. Stubborn ass fetus...
Moving on to other ridiculous things, I am freaking the hell out about money.
Maybe you've heard? Or maybe not? But daycare is EXPENSIVE. Like, $750/month is sort of a deal, expensive. It seems like everyone I know has free daycare from someone they know, or is able to stay home, and so I've never heard any complaints about the cost of daycare.
Oh, how ignorance was bliss. Sweet, sweet, moronic ignorance.
Let me just say that I have a major money freak out before any major financial decision. Like, when we were in the process of buying our house, I couldn't sleep for a week, had raging heartburn, and kept adding figures and running scenarios over and over and over because I kept worrying that I forgot some major bill and then poof! We'd be bankrupt and living in a Toyota down by the river, because hell, we wouldn't even be able to afford a van and AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH FAIL.
So the whole baby/daycare/higher medical insurance/diapers/Excedrin Migraine pending financial responsibility is making me all cuckoo. It's not an issue of being able to afford it, but it is an issue of having to adhere to a budget, and quit living like DINKs (*insert projectile vomit at use of the phrase DINK here*).
The financial freak outs probably really help me make better decisions, but DAYAM!
So we have found a daycare center we like, but we're going to look into some people who do in-home care. We're also looking at some scheduling options, since Mark can do flex time.
My last semester of grad school started last week, so I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just wait till you see my picture - you won't recognize me because of all of my new smartz.
They are expensive. And they make your butt big (if you're me) and insist that you eat buffalo wings for 99% of meals.
It's a good damn thing they're cute.
You can do it! I have heard these baby things cost money, but you'll find a way.
Sigh. I hate belly shots. Not because of the jealous "you have a baby and I don't" thing, but more of a "my tummy is bigger than that with no baby in it" thing.
You know, the money thing? It just works out. I just put this baby on the waiting list at daycare and when that time comes, I'll be paying $2200/month (I'm paying $1390/month now) and I honestly have no clue how it will work out, but I know it will. So try not to freak out now, just know it will work itself out. :)
Ugh, I freakin hate daycare! Its SOOOO expensive! My husband managed to work our schedules so that we dont need it anymore. Thank goddess!
PS...you belly is just tooooo cute!
I completely ignored the measurement they got at my first ultrasound since they were WRONG and I was RIGHT. So, I've been using my due date all along and ignoring the doctors. Besides, my doctor only measured once and there is a pretty big margin of error. Go with the day you know, not the first measurement! (At least that is my opinion.)
Ah, yes...the money freak out and the sticker shock of daycare...and all other things baby related.
And you thought planning a wedding was expensive! HA!!
Definitely search around on the daycare. Maybe there really is that much of a price difference from region to region, but here in TX daycare runs between $350 and $550 a month, depending on where you go. Granted, that is still a hell of a lot of money, but I can't imagine having to come up with $750. That sounds like highway robbery to me. When I was with my ex, we had his son in a really nice daycare for $440 per month. I know prices have gone up a little since then (4 yrs ago), and you live in a different area, but a $300 difference sounds like a bit much. You should shop around.
You probably don't start feeling the baby until 20 weeks, so be patient for the time being :)
And childcare is expensive indeed (but everyone finds a way eventually)... in London it's between £1000 and £1500 a month for full time, which would make it $1,786 to $2,679...
OMG day cares... (fainting over here!) You will make it work financially. It just figures itself out. Good luck on the search.
I'm sure all will work out on the money front...
And you are still so tiny! Lucky bum! My tummy is bigger than that and I am not even pregnant ;)
Whoo hoo! Last semester of grad school!
(totally ignoring the cost of day-care because la-la-la-la I can't hear you)
Oh good lord, the daycare expense! I'm due in like 3 weeks. We live in Baltimore and have signed on with an awesome in-home place that will cost $780 a month and that's only for 4 days a week! The daycare centers are way more-- like $1200 a month or something stupid. I really wish there were another option. But there is just no way financially that I could stay home. Well, maybe if we lived in our car we could swing it... Anyway, this soon to be former DINK couple feel your pain.
I empathize about the daycare. We pay $1008 a month for our 20 month old (lord knows how they came up with the $8...) because I wanted her in a nationally accredited center. In-home daycare around here is about $800 a month. It is pretty yuck.
Here's the thing, which may be comforting and horrifying all mixed up in one: after your baby is born, you will not have the time or energy to do most of the stuff you used to like to go out and do (for us, that was going out to eat all the time) and therefore will not be spending so much discretionary money. This will likely be very depressing at first, but if you are like us, you gradually adjust to the new "standard." We tend to cook and eat at home more on weekends, and do more things like go on hikes or bike rides than things that cost admission.
Congrats on making it to 14 weeks! And let us know when you start feeling the first little flutters!
Choose your daycare carefully! My girl has been in daycare for almost 7 months (between time off, part time work, and grandma, she and I were home together for her first 15 months). I like the place (although they are expensive - $860/month) and her teachers are mostly great...until last week, when the morning intake person quit. And the lady they hired to replace her is clueless and inexperienced. Can't blame her, though, as she has obviously not been provided with any training or orientation. As a capper, all the parents got a memo from the director (memo dated 8-29, received it today 9-2) that costs would be going up $10/week starting tomorrow. Why? Because she's losing her new business exemption and will have to start paying taxes. Waa-waa-waa. Shouldn't you have been preparing for that for the last 21 months? I can't take my child out without 2 weeks notice, but she can increase the fees with no warning. Good thing I'm not dangling by a thread in my finances. Time to look for a new place.
Anyway, congrats on 15-ish weeks. You should be feeling some movement soon. I only felt my daughter move for the first time after the 20 week ultrasound. We were trying to find out the sex, and she had her legs crossed. The ultrasound tech kept poking at her with the wand, but she wouldn't move those legs...until later, when she took out her displeasure at being disturbed by finding my intestines and kicking them repeatedly.
yay 15 weeks!!
Money is a very stressful thing, thats why I let DH worry about it! makes life so much nicer, ha ha. I hope you figure it all out soon!
Oh I hear you about the Daycare/Budget freakout. I'm 22 weeks (!!!) and I keep thinking about how the hell we're going to find an extra grand a month and still manage to eat. Of course, we'll be fine (we're also DINKs *spit*) but in the meantime, I'll share my Rolaids with you.
My friend in SF pays almost $2500 per month for daycare. This is NOT a nanny, this is DAYCARE. As in, in someone's house with about 10 other kids. I console myself by thinking that I will probably be able to find something cheaper. But getting off a waiting list is an entirely different matter.
Your belly is very cute. I am trying to work up the courage to post a belly shot. I can't decide whether to post my face or stay anonymous. Hmmmmmm.
I just started feeling my baby move about 4 days ago (19w3d), and it is still only about once a day if I really concentrate, so PLEASE don't worry if you don't feel anything for a while.
Hope the Daycare financial worries ease up soon, Jen!
Wow! I really had no idea that the variance among geographical regions for the cost of daycare was so huge. And I thought we were getting robbed in TX, but reading some of the other comments I see here, I realize we are lucky in that area.
The money part is horrifying, but I see other people around me just make it work and I can only assume we can do it, too. My shoes and handbags might suffer a bit, but somehow I know it's a trade worth making. ;)
Your belly is freaking cute, by the way. I love your daily menus. Mine are pretty darn close..
I about dropped my extremely large (at least to me) baby belly on the ground when I started learning all the prices and rules with daycare. Go figure that we made some living adjustments and are still able to put away more than enough every month for investments and retirement.
I won't even go into the freakout my husband went into when he saw how much baby crap (not actual poo crap, but the crap you need to keep a baby) costs and all the crap you need according to the powers that know. Namely Babies R Us and Target.
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