Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to make your own baby food, you tree-hugging hippie freak.

I got this thing as a gift after I had Olivia.

It's the Beaba Babycook. It is so awesome that I didn't even know it existed. I didn't know it existed because I ride the culinary short bus.

I drive the culinary short bus.

So anyway, I got this Beaba Babycook as a gift and I was SO FREAKING EXCITED! And I kept thanking the person for the gift and saying, "I can't wait to use my Beaba! The Beaba is sooooo kewl! Thank you for my Beaba!"

Except I was saying Beaba like bee-ba.

Then my mom and I sat down to watch the how-to video on the Williams Sonoma site and within the first 10 seconds they say, "blah blah blah Bay-ah-bah babycook."

We laughed for no less than 15 minutes.
I like to think that my bus is at least pimped with big tires so that I can run people over when they tell me how fertile I am right now.

I have told a bunch of people that I will write a post about making baby food, but in all honesty I am totally ripping this off from my friend Dana. Who does not have a blog but should because her no bullshit approach to everything rocks my world.

You will need something to puree the food (blender, food processor, BAY-AH-BA, etc), ice cube trays, and freezer bags.

I will use peaches as the example, because you can pretty much make everything the same way.

I bought 3 peaches.

Cut them up into cubes and boiled in a small amount of water until tender.

I took the peaches out and reserved the water.

Pureed the peaches to the right consistency - using the reserved water to thin it out. Younger baby = thinner.

Filled two ice cube trays with the peach puree. Covered in plastic wrap and froze.

After frozen, dipped bottom of trays in hot water to make the cubes easier to release. Placed a few cubes in a freezer bag marked with the date.


When I was ready to use a cube, I took it out of the bag and microwaved it for 30 seconds.

So far, I've made green beans, peaches, and sweet potatoes.
I used organic frozen green beans and sweet potatoes.
I'm going to make butternut squash next.

A lot of people like Wholesome Baby food for ideas and recipes. Since I am normally wrangling a baby and using the Internet from my phone, I haven't had time to really look at the site.

Happy tree hugging!!

p.s. - Like my new header? Get one!


andrea said...

i don't think i would have figured out how to pronounce that... seriously...

I need to start on this baby food making adventure...someday...

Kathleen said...

Thanks for this post-- it's exactly the info I needed!!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Okay, I don't puree the baby food but I totally want one of those things RIGHT NOW. I'm thinking things like "I could totally puree the garlic to hide it from my husband!"

I love the new header! Cali rocks!

Carrie said...

I was always amazed at how easy it was to make baby food for my daughter. I am hoping I will have the time (HA!) and energy (HA HA!!) to make it for the triplets due in a few months. We'll see.

Love the new header.

areyoukiddingme said...

I'd have called it a bee-ba too.

Jill said...

I was actually going to comment about your header. pretty sweet.

Samantha said...

I LOVE pureeing Charlie's food! In fact, I do batch cooking for him every few weeks. On Saturday, I put the oven on 375, baked apples, squash, sweet potatoes, and pears all at the same time. Then pureed the heck out of them and cubed them up! I was able to stock up his food supply for an entire month this way!

ALin said...

I've been coveting one of those machines since I saw them when we were registering for wedding gifts . . . and we don't even have a baby . . . I'm lame

La Petite Chic said...

I'm just 10 weeks along but two people have already offered to buy me the Beaba as a shower gift. To that I say, "Hell yes, please do!" but I don't think they realize quite how much it is. Hopefully I'll still get one, otherwise I'll be buying one myself!

Baby Mama said...

So I'm a little confused what the gadget does for you... does it puree it or steam it? Or both?

Tiffanie said...

sign me up for the asshole list - i was calling it be-abba. whatev.

and your new header? it makes me want a dr pepper. then i remember that i don't like dr pepper so it makes me want to heave. but, i've been spending most of my time heaving these days, so you don't get full credit for that;)

WannabeMommy said...

I don't have any kids, so maybe you could say I ride the fertility short bus, but....... what exactly does this BAY-EE-BAH contraption do? Can't you just use a run of the mill blender or food processer to do that shit? I'm thinkin' this is one of those Mommy-N-Me-I'll-Pay-Anything-for-My-Precious-Babee type rip-offs.

Beautiful Mess said...

YAY for easy baby food making!

Love your new header. Cali is AWESOME!

battynurse said...

Love the new header! That thing looks cool. Glad you're having fun with it.

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

I don't think that I have commented before, but I am seriously thinking of asking for this for chritmas and making my son is food. This rocks!

Shila said...

Before I had Layla I always made fun of the people that made their own baby food. I use to say I would NEVER do that....but now that she is here I have had a change of thought! I want to make Layla her baby food. I think it would be fun, it will taste better, and it will definatly be less expensive! Thanks Jenn (and Dana) for the tips!

FSD said...

I'm glad to read this post because I've been eyeing the Beaba to make my baby girl's food. I think I'll scoop one up this weekend since she just started solids recently (still on cereal right now).

Parsing Nonsense said...

Easy peasy! I'll definitely remember this when I'm done being barefoot and pregnant and graduate to barefoot and sleep-deprived!

calliope said...

wow. you made it sound so easy.
Wasn't there some movie or tv show where the girl decides to make baby food and she doesn't realize that she has to dump the food into ziplock for storage so instead she just has this massive freezer full of ice cube trays? damn...what the hell was that movie?

Kristin said...

ok you scanky, dirt lovin, seal scrubbin, tree huggin hippie, many congrats on making the bay bee fud. It really doesn't take that much time and effort, which is good b/c that's the type of gal I am. Just not the hippee crap, I live amongst them, I am not one. I lived for my stick blender when DH broke mine he knew he better have a new one in the house w/in 12 hours or he was a dead man!
Glad has those small containers for when you travel, you just put a cube in and by the time Miss O needs a snack your cube is thawed out!

Carrie said...

Hi Jen -

You don't know me, but I went to high school with Mark (I was a grade below), and I'm Josh Hoover's younger sister (I had triplets in November, and one of them is named Olivia. We also have a dog named Milo, which is weird!). Anyway, Josh's wife Cat mentioned your blog a while back, and I have been checking it out from time to time. I just wanted to let you know that as a new mom myself, I think you are HILARIOUS, and I love the wit and humor in your writing! I seriously think you should consider adapting your blog into a book. Just wanted to let you know.

Carrie said...

Hi Jen -

You don't know me, but I went to high school with Mark (I was a grade below), and I'm Josh Hoover's younger sister (I had triplets in November, and one of them is named Olivia. We also have a dog named Milo, which is weird!). Anyway, Josh's wife Cat mentioned your blog a while back, and I have been checking it out from time to time. I just wanted to let you know that as a new mom myself, I think you are HILARIOUS, and I love the wit and humor in your writing! I seriously think you should consider adapting your blog into a book. Just wanted to let you know.

dariasquirrel said...

holy sheisters, i love this gadget you got! looks awesome. olivia is a lucky girl! so, as far as the mispronunciation, i just looked like an a-hole at a baby store the other day with 3 veteran mom's (i'm 7 months pregnant with #1 and an OBVIOUS NOVICE) as i pronounced the baby carrier we were all looking at as the BEECO (it's spelled beco) when apparently it's pronounced a BECK-O. i'm TOTALLY going to screw my kid up...at least that's what the clerk seemed to think...if only she knew all of the other f-d up stuff i come up with! ha!

KimboSue said...

I agree with WannabeMommy on this one. This is definitely a I'm-a-new-mom-gotta-have-this-for-the-new-baybee-even-though-it-costs-$100 type gadget. My combo blender/food processor that I already own will have to suffice. Suck it up Miles, no BAY-AH-BA for you!
Will be starting solids soon and am very excited about the food makin'.
I do have a question though. I was contemplating these food containers from One Step Ahead that have screw on lids and hold like 2 oz of food for travel/take to sitter. If you do the ice cube tray thing, how will you take food to travel with? It will be come one big ol' glob in a ziploc, right?

K @ ourboxofrain said...

We made food too. It wasn't that hard, but I can't say I'm sad to have those days behind us -- at some point Harry started eating a lot (like 4 cubes per meal, 3 times a day) and it was tough to keep up and make sure there was enough variety.

And to answer some of the prior commenters, it steams, purees, and reheats. We don't have one (we used the stove/oven, a food processor, and a microwave), but I definitely get the appeal.

Mary said...

If you're driving the short bus, I must be running behind it, panting and yelling because I missed the stop: I have a Beaba too and I didn't know it wasn't BEE-BAH until you told me.

Re whether this is just an overpriced baby gadget -- yes and no. Do you need it? Not really. But does it make the food-making process a lot simpler and quicker with less cleanup? Yep. Especially if you are like me and the only blender you have is a $15 piece of crap your husband bought in college.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to suggest a book that recently came out about feeding babies that is pretty darn funny (and has some good recipes). Matthew Amster-Burton's: Hungry Monkey. It is laugh out loud funny, and makes you feel better if your little one decides to reject green food.

Dana said...

LOL thanks for the shout-out ;)
I would blog, but I seriously have NO TIME to blog....

I'm too busy "no-bullshit" parenting my two rugrats hahaha.

CKHB said...

You may drive that bus, but I'm the OWNER. And I still managed to puree some boiled carrots (add the water from the pot until desired consistency is reached), plus a wide variety of fresh fruits. No need to boil blueberries, strawberries, raspberries or pears! Just blend & go!

Sandy said...

Thank you for making my laugh so hard orange juice came out of my nose.

I love you and I love the that you are making your own baby food. You are, like, SO MARTHA STEWART.

My method is as half-assed as this: I put a piece of the banana I am eating in a bowl and mash it with a fork. Or avocado or baked sweet potato, or some steamed pears (diced and microwaved for a few minutes). But it's also fun having a neat gadget. :)

I've also started doing something called Baby Led Solids (I don't have a link but you can Google) it. Oscar loves whole slices of cucumber, slices of banana, etc.

Sorry for the long comment!

Expat Barbie said...

i love your blog - your mordant wit is so refreshing :)