Twin B seems to be like Mark, as in I Go With The Flow, Word To Your Mother But Only If You Feel Like It, Also More Candy Plz, Etc.
Twin A seems to be like Jennepper: Look at me! Look at me! Look at meeeeeee! I'm sure that she will start a blog immediately at birth that will be all, "there's a nurse here in Ed Hardy Sweatpants, WTF Y'all?" and then people will be like, "Ur Stoopid" and she will be like, "Ur Stoopider" and then she will require many, many carbs.
We went to Ohio State Medical Center to see Dr. O'Shaughnessy, because we needed to decide if we had Twin to Twin Transfusion. We do not. So that was good news. I will say that I wasn't overly impressed with the doctor - he seemed very competent, but barely spoke to us directly and gave us nearly zero information during our scan or afterward, really. Aside from, "you do not have TTTS, but I want one of my heart guys to meet with you" he didn't really say anything to us at all.
I don't post that to be bitchy, I just post it because that's how it was. At the same time, he brought in a cake for a patient who went past her Worry Date in her pregnancy and they were celebrating. I think that sounds awesome and makes him sound like an amazing doctor - which I'm sure he really is - but for us? Meh. Everyone else there was very friendly, and Sally did our ultrasound and was SO NICE OH MAH GAH. So if you've found me in a mad google search, that's my review.
Anyway, Little Miss Drama Twin A is definitely smaller and something about the blood flow in her heart looked a bit limited. We tried to get a same-day appointment with a cardiologist at Nationwide Children's in Columbus, but they could only squeeze us in on Tuesday morning. So we stayed a second night in Columbus and enjoyed a date night.
(We saw The Town - it was good. I ate a bag of Reeses Pieces. The end.)
So, for the fourth time this month, we had a 1.5 hour ultrasound - this time, a fetal echo - and both babies were crazy little movers. I should have been thinking of really grown up responsible questions to ask but all I could really think of is how close-up of the heart looked like the Scream Mask to me, which Boo Hoo Courteney Cox and David Arquette Break Up Woe.
The ultrasound lady was also very nice here, and the cardiologist was seriously one of the nicest people I've ever met. We really liked him and if we lived closer we'd see him again. His name was Dr. Kovalchin, in case you're looking for a pediatric cardiologist in Columbus. I sat there like an exhausted moron zombie, but Mark asked some questions and the doctor was very friendly and explained things to us in a way that was easy to understand.
The general consensus is that the opening of her aortic artery is on the narrow side. Watch and see, but it is entirely possible that it's all going to be fiiiiiiine.
That's it: overall good news! We have to follow up with a pediatric cardiologist in Akron next month, but it's business as usual around here.
Sorry for the lack of updates, but as per usual, I haven't really felt like blogging because this shit? Is exhausting. Among other exhausting things happening, like home improvements, new position at work, and trying to begin preparations for these two trouble makers in my uterus of doom. Am tired, boo hoo hoo.
One Year Ago: So, How 'bout That Swine Flu
Two Years Ago: 21 Weeks: My Life As A Simpsons Character
Three Years Ago: Since You Asked...
30 is definitely reasonable. Also, nuns habits and no car.
I'm so happy for you that TTTS was negative!
::doing the happy dance for you::
She's going to be awfully jealous of Olivia and B...
Glad to hear that things are mostly OK, and I hope there are no further troubles.
Totally reasonable. I think we should all ground all of them until they are thirty.
So glad everything seems fine.
thanks for the updates. I am so happy for you!
So good news, and confusing news. Ugh. Eat all the candy you want, sister.
So, you must know how I feel with spending half your life in a doctor's office, huh?
I hope both twins continue to do well. Even Twin A ;)
Whew, thank gawd for smart doctor people who know about little tiny aortic valves! Cuz I is not smartz. In other news, please have a Happy Halloween! (sans the Scream Mask...scary)
We had to meet with a cardiologist when I was pregnant too, they thought baby had hole in his heart. Or something. Maybe a hole, maybe nothing. Just wait and see! We did, baby is perfect. Yours will be too.
Great news overall - thanks for the update! You and the tacos will continue to be in my thoughts.
Yay, no TTTS! I hope everything turns out fine with Baby A's heart. My sister Baby A was a drama queen too, but she turned out A-OK. What is WITH these wombmates??
Oh my goodness, I am SO glad to hear there's no TTTS goin' on in there. But yes, Twin A is grounded till she's 30, maybe even 35.
Rest up buttercup!
Thanks for posting. I have been thinking about you guys. Sounds like overall a good update. I hope all goes well from here on out!!
Maybe the doctor is a secret lover. He could be playing it cool only to show up at your birth with flowers and chocolates.
Glad to hear all is well!
I'm glad you got good news!
Definite grounding required! LOL! So very happy to hear that everything went fine. So glad they are watching everything! Rest up and take care of yourself!
So excited to read your good news. A lot of us were worried about you. Congrats on the mini drama queens. : )
So glad things are better than you feared. Twins like to play people, ya know. So maybe they're just practicing. Good news: Halloween is right around the corner and Olivia is total candy bait. You should be swimming in candy by Nov. 1st and in a comfortable chocolate coma to calm any remaining fear. Peace.
Glad your girls don't have TTTS, I hope everything continues to go well!
Glad to hear no TTTS. I had to do the whole cardiologist deal the first go-around. Like the commentor above... blah, blah, blah, hole in his heart, blah, blah, blah, cyst in brain, blah, blah, blah, maybe downs or worse, blah, blah, blah, you know you only have two weeks to decide to terminate in MI, right? Blah. You know what? Perfectly healthy baby. Cyst dissolved, hole in heart closed up without surgery before birth. Freakin doctors. Now go eat something.
Yep, thirty sounds good :o) I'm glad there is no TTTS! Woot!
So glad to hear about the no TTTS; so sorry about the rest of the dramz. Our girl's not going to date until she's 35, so I think 30 is totally reasonable, if not lenient.
Have you read the Stefanie Wilder Taylor blog 'mommyonbored'. She has twins and one of her twins is really really lots smaller than the other twin. They are two now. You could probably get some reassurance and general brainstorming ideas from her if you need anything. She's really nice.
Continued prayers and lots of hugs and loves for the babies.
Thank you for updating!! Glad to hear no TTTS. I'll keep you in my prayers.
So glad you got good news, sorry it appears that twin A is a chip off the old block (and I mean that nicely, even if it didn't sound like it). ;o)
Just checked in for the first time in months. You are PREGNANT! So excited and pretty jealous that it's twins! I'm glad that you are doing well and that so far the babies look like they will be doing fine. And twin girls! So jealous, not gonna lie. We did another IVF a few months ago and I am 15 weeks preg with one baby. I was so hoping for twins but only got one embryo out of our whole fresh batch. But hey, I'm not gonna complain, cause I'm pregnant! Anyway, you are too and sorry to leave this long post on your blog, and to say I'm jealous, but since I just blog stalk you and I don't really know you, I can say jealous without you thinking I'm a total B :)
So happy for you and your family of girls and hoping the best for your next several months!
PS, reading the last few months of blog posts made me pretty much pee my pants and cry from laughing so hard. Thanks for the laughs! You are awesome :)
Oh, and buy a Combi double stroller! They are great!
Nice to hear that all is well with your babies...
Soo glad to hear that it is not TTTS!! Just for the record, I had a similar experience with Dr. O. In my case though he had to give me bad news and could not have seemed less interested/concerned. I thought maybe it was just me! Hope all is well from here on!
So glad everything's ok!
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