I mean, it's pretty much impossible to come out of the office without thinking: OK, which ones of you sonzabitches is infectious?
Thank you for all of your comments - it really does help to hear from people who have been through it, and that people are pulling for my little drama queens. I appreciate every single one. And the emails, which I have read but haven't had time to respond to - you guys are the best.
(Speaking of email, I changed my address because it turns out that I find Hotmail to be a complete whore. So if you're emailing me regularly, check my profile to get the new address. Kthxbai.)
But really, I think we are doing a pretty good job of not going completely insane. Partly because of this Fat Booth picture that my cousin took of me:
But mostly because of my little comedian. She's like a flaming bag of adorable fun. Kind of makes it impossible to be sad.
The other day, she pretended like she was going to give me a kiss, and then when she got right by my face she stole my glasses and belly laughed like a completely crazed maniac.
Dude, I had thrush so badly (EVIL THRUSH) that they sent me to an infectious diseases specialist. That is a freaky waiting room to sit in for a half an hour. Everyone sits REALLY far apart.
You're thinking like an infertile woman again. Didn't you know pregnancy is infectious?
Hotmail is a lying, cheating, skanky whore. That's why I only use it for online shopping.
Love the story about your little maniac. :)
I often look around the waiting room at the office of maternal-fetal medicine and find myself wondering what has gone wrong in each of their pregnancies to land them here. Is it something worse than Elliot's conditon? Or better?
Yeah... I'm THAT nosy.
I can't imagine having to wonder what kind of infectious diseases they may be hiding, too!
Maybe the hospital architect was just having a real bad day!
Good to hear you and the family haven't lost your marbles with it all. Stay strong!
On a different note, Hotmail sucks. I've just been hacked twice in a month. Plus side? 'I' spammed a load of idiots I've not spoken to for years which goes to show how snail paced I am at maintaining the contacts!
Neat trick, Olivia!
ahahahaaaaa! Seriously bad planning!
The twin pregnancy can be such an adventure. I'm so glad I'm here, babies are 4 months and we're in a routine and there is some symblance of normalcy.
Then again, I didn't have a sweet adorable Olivia to keep me sane. :)
You are so funny. Why do you not yet have your own show on television? Prayers for the entire family!
Okay, my husband came back from a business trip in August with a full-on scary infectious food poisoning case that ultimately turned out to be campylobacter, but for a while we weren't sure if it was a parasite or something like cholera, which I'm not kidding was mentioned to me as a possibility. I am such a germophobe that after I brought him to the ER and returned home to take care of our 6-month-old, I refused to go back to visit him when he was admitted on the ID floor (the docs were suiting up to go in to see him). I waited until he was better and picked him up at the front door of the hospital. So that situation there at your hospital? Would drive me straight over the edge.
I am really pulling for you. I wasn't sure if this kind of info would help or not, but a good friend of mine has identicals that are my son's age (8 mos) and had TTTS (she had the surgery) -- now they are healthy, happy boys that are both bigger than my son! No lasting effects at all. I am so glad you have Olivia to distract you while you're on your way to the same outcome.
I hope your appointment today goes as good as it can. Please know I am thinking of you and your baby beans!
Hotmail is so lame now! I've used it for ten years, but they went and changed it and it really sucks now!
Hang in there little tomato, your little drama queens are going to be a-ok!
What little turds those drama queens are being! I hope mama gets them straightened up quick!
Jen -
I hope everything went okay yesterday. A lot of us our thinking about you. : )
Hoping all went well with the specialist yesterday. Thinking about you!
I'm getting worried. And I don't even know you! Hope all went well with your appointment.
Please let us know how it went...we're worried!
Hope your appointment went well on Monday!
Jenn, I really hope that things went well for you and the babies. I'm rooting for the little buggars.
I hope things went well! Are they drama queens or kings? Taco or Sausage?
My four month old thinks it's funny to hit me in the face, spill my tea, and poop through her clothes. I'm sure she's soon to steal my glasses as well. And we allow ourselves to have more than one?!?!
Hi! I recently discovered your blog, and read it from beginning to end. You are absolutely hilarious, and I am so happy for you! I hope everything is going well, and I can't wait to read more!
I hope that Monday's visit to the specialist wasn't to awful-- let us know how those drama queens are doing, and thanks for sharing your Olivia stories-- what fun!
Hope things are okay with your girls. Getting worried about you.
Just popping in to let you know I've thinking about you and the Queens. Hoping and praying that all is well in babyland.
Jen, I've been checking your website like 5 times a day since Monday! You have a lot of fans/lurkers/stalkers? who are all praying/holding our breath for you - please let us know you are ok! Are you ok? Am I totally being that creepy guy at the mall that needs to stop staring?
All kidding aside, I really hope you are doing all right, that all the news was sunshine and flowers the end. Even if it never is.... Hope to hear from you soon. :)
Please update us soon cause we're all worried about you and the ladies...
a Canadian fan
So sorry you're dealing with TTTS, as if you needed something to worry the crap out of you, eh? Thinking of you and sending big, big ((hugs)).
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