I got a couple emails (literally, two) from people asking me to blog about my Pinterest projects. Since I am writing a blog every.single.day, I am going to go ahead and do that!
This was not my first project but it is my favorite completed project so far: my painted front door.
Our house was a new construction when we bought it. We did not design/build the house - it was a spec home and was just built and then put up for sale. It was (is) our first home and it seemed so shiny and beautiful and fabulous when we bought it just over 7 years ago.
Now...you know. You can only look at the same stuff for so long before you start to itch for change. I am having the 7 year itch, but instead of wanting to cheat on my husband, I just want to change everything about my house.
I'd say that it is probably a better choice for our marriage but it is proving to be a lot more expensive.
Being a spec house, everything in our house is the most basic, builder-grade. It is well constructed but the carpet is getting yuck. The faucets are ugly. The lighting fixtures
look like boobs.* The doorknobs are shiny gold. Everything is oak.** I think this is all worse now because I am home all day. And the annoyance is magnified as I stare at this stuff all day.
One day I just decided that I was going to paint the front door. We have the most basic front door - white, no window. Gold knobs and lock. We bought a new storm door with brushed nickel, which started the Great $1,000 Debacle of 2012*** I kept looking at the storm door because it looked so nice and then I started to become annoyed at the state of our front door. It was just kind of, blah.
So I decided to paint it red and then went to the store that same day to buy supplies. I am horrible with impulse buying! And with impulse Pinteresting apparently!
Of course I suck at blogging and never thought to take a before picture. But here is one of Olivia on her first day of preschool, acting adorbs despite the fact that she has to live in a house with a white front door:
And I just noticed how ugly the doorbell looks.
::adds to list:: |
Here is what I did.
This guide from Young House Love**** was my inspiration, but our door is aluminum (I think?) and theirs is wood.
Here's what I used:
A foam roller
Sand paper (fine grit, I think mine was 320?)
Quart of Valspar Duramax Paint (Color is vip)
Windex, Paper Towels
Here's what I did:
First, I picked up about 45 red paint samples and taped them over the door. We looked at them in all different kinds of light and picked our favorite. I almost didn't even bring our color home because in the store it almost looked orange, but with the way the light hits our door it looks bright red where all of the true reds looked more maroon.
Next, we removed all of the hardware.
Then, I sanded the entire door lightly. This took me maybe 10 minutes total. Then I wiped it down with Windex to get rid of all of the dust.
Finally, I painted! I used a foam roller for the entire thing - even the panes! The third coat looked good, but the fourth coat looked perfect. I started at about 7 a.m. and by 8 p.m. everything was dry and we were able to put the doorknob and dead bolt back on.
Voila! |
It was incredibly easy to do, and that is coming from the least handy person in the whole world. A new front door is not in the budget right now, but painting our existing door cost under $20 and has totally satisfied me for now!
*We have two of these on the ceiling as you go upstairs, and I can't help but think "tits" every time I walk up there. Because I am classy.
**I'm not an oak hater, but did you know that people really hate oak? Like, really really. Mostly I just covet all of these dark and sleek looking cabinets that everyone has now. Don't worry, I'm not puking in my mouth over your oak or anything.
***Ever think to yourself, "lets change all of our doorknobs from gold to brushed nickel - it won't cost that much." If you did, you are an idiot, as am I. The purchase of a $300 storm door lead to the additional $300 purchase of doorknobs and locks, and then the ADDITIONAL purchase of a $300 kitchen faucet and then a new $100 half bath faucet because hey! Why not at this point?!
****Do you read
their blog? Ewmahgod. They are so adorable and handy it makes me want to cry and also be their best friend.
Should you feel the need to indulge my attention whoring further, follow me on Pinterest:
click here.
And, while I still don't "get it," I am trying to embrace Twitter:
click here.