No more assisted reproduction. Future pregnancy by relaxation only. Which we all know is the most reliable way to get pregnant anyway. |
First, because I've had enough. I did two fresh In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycles, and one Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). And two Intrauterine Inseminations (IUI). And a Clomid cycle. I've been poked and prodded and hormoned up and it was completely and totally worth it. But now I'm done, which is really kind of the point of fertility treatments. Get it done, hopefully get some babies, and get on with life. I will limit my visits to the stirrups to once a year, and hopefully this will terminate permanently my relationship with the
Second, I can not risk the chance of a twin pregnancy again. I just...ugh. I can't. It was hard on my body, and it did not go well for my babies when I was pregnant with twins. And sure, I could transfer one (not implant, in case you don't know the difference, please stop making that mistake kthxbai), but that doesn't even matter. My twins were identical - the result of one splitting embryo. I would be a total mental case if I got pregnant with twins again.
If we decide to try for a third (fifth?) it will be a game of regular old sexy sex and wait and see until we don't want to wait and see anymore. I feel happy with the two we have and won't go through an angsty, woe infertility period again. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't...if we even decide to try.
Last night I was really in favor of a vasectomy as I listened to Adelle cry from 12 - 3 a.m. Today I am too tired to drive Mark to get one so his vas deferens shall remain in tact for at least another day.
Anyway, opening that letter today felt like a big deal. Even though I sent the request form over a month ago and knew it was coming, it still feels significant to know that that door is closed. No more adventures in infertility. It's a good thing!
Luckily, I feel like the phrase "Maybe If You Just Relax" is still applicable. I may be guilty of saying that to Olivia several times a day. That, and "BECAUSE I SAID SO." And also, "don't eat your boogies."
(I know people fall all over the board on this, and some people have some really strong opinions about embryos and what should be done with them. And whatever everyone decides to do with their embryos is fine by me. We decided to donate ours to research. Thanks in advance for not going bat shit bananas on me in the comments.)