Thursday, November 18, 2010

Anonymous comments are off.

This is getting ridiculous. I don't need shit from people, at all.

This blog is not about infertility - it is about my life. If you aren't in a place to read a blog written by someone who is pregnant then DON'T!


When Two Becomes Five said...

I'm sorry that some people are not being kind. You clearly have enough on your plate right now worrying about your babies and taking care of your daughter. Some people can be so insensitive

Rebecca said...

People are so strong and brave when they can hide. Sorry someone is giving you crap. You do NOT deserve it. Hope everything works out and you do great!

stephanie said...

Good for you. Honestly, I don't f'ing get why people read shit they don't like.

STOP READING if it pisses you off... though honestly, I don't know how what you're going through could possibly piss someone off. And yes, I'm An Infertile.

Laci said...


HereWeGoAJen said...

Really? I mean, really? I have never understood how people can be so mean. And when I switched to Wordpress, I discovered that it records everyone's IP address, so take that "anonymous" people.

Sandy said...

These sick people with no life are obviously just jealous of your slim ankles. Really, your ankles make me HOT, and I'm in a happy, heterosexual relationship.

Love you! I'm planning on an arranged marriage between Olivia and Oscar.

Jersey Beth said...

cool. good move.

Strawberry said...

I love how anonymous assholes can also never spell correctly.

I'm really sorry you're dealing with these scary issues. I hope modern medicine can come to the rescue and that your babies are both fine in the end. I can't imagine what you must be feeling and to still be able to use your humor to help you through it is great.

*~*Lis*~* said...

people are a-holes, Anonymous people are bigger a-holes!

Erica said...

Atta girl. I'm sure 99% of the people who read what you post are rooting for you, but it's just that lame 1% that just has the need to spew venom.

Stephanie said...

That just plain sucks. I'm thinking good thoughts for you and your girls. Don't let the naysayers get you down.

Also, I had cankles with my singleton starting around 20 weeks. It was horrible! I seriously had small-feet envy and would look at people's non-hobbit feet longingly...

the mind behind said...

Totally agree with you, Miss Jen.

Some people are born bastards and some decided later in life to be real huge duchebastards.

Unknown said...

whatd I miss??? Tell me who pissed ya off and I"ll take care of them!

Anonymous said...

People are so stupid. I am an infertile (preparing for a January FET), and your blog makes me laugh my ass off (well, the parts you intend to be humorous anyway). Hang in there! Hope the little twin stays strong and doesn't cause you any more trouble. Sorry that you are having to stress over this situation.

Jen said...

The thing that sucks is that there are SO MANY nice Anonymous people. Sorry, guys! I'm not as scrappy as usual and am not up for the negativity.

Kristy said...

Boo to stupid silly negative people, who can't be happy for anyone else.

Don't stress yourself out. You could always stop writing, but we'd miss you and your whit immensly.

Kristy said...

Boo to stupid silly negative people, who can't be happy for anyone else.

Don't stress yourself out. You could always stop writing, but we'd miss you and your whit immensly.

Deanna said...

My theory is if you're going to be a jerk, at least don't be an anonymous jerk! ;)

Anonymous said...

wait. hold on. Someone shares on the internet her fear FOR THE LIVES OF HER CHILDREN. And someone else calls her ungrateful? (or ungreatful, as the case may be) This seems to be a new low - even for anonymous commenters. I have no words. Good for you. Block 'em.

Mandy Hornbuckle said...

Wow. So sorry that jerks are making this even harder on you. Glad you turned the anonymous comments off. Praying for you and the babies.

Mrs. Higrens said...


Too bad pregnancy doesn't come with superpowers (well, besides the amazing thing that gestating a baby or two is) ... I'm thinking laser eyes that could reach through the internet would come in handy right about now.

Alison aka Baby B said...

It seems like too often, people hiding behind their computer screens forget that oldie-but-goodie "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Sheesh. Know that for every troll, there's a ton of us rooting for you and your babies.

PS: Little baby, you best be growin' in there. Big baby, well, help your sister out, won't ya?

Annegirrl said...

Asshole people suck.

Emily said...


Laura said...

good for you!

Anonymous said...

it takes an incredibly strong and confident person to overshare on the internets. i personally love reading about your good china being on display in stirrups, makes me glad other people in this world are just as normal as i am.... sending good vibes your way mama! keep staying positive and spunky and proud of your baybees and life- i know we all are for you!

Jill said...

A big thank you for continuing to share your life with us, even though there are sucky people out there. I love your blog, and I'm so excited to read about all the twin adventures.

My littler twin is definitely the scrappier of my identicals. Cleared her bili on her own, even though her sister needed phototherapy. Still needs to be first with everything. Always. And is definitely the loudmouth troublefinder (she said in the most loving way possible...). I'm sure Itty Bitty will prove to be just as much of a force to be reckoned with as my little one.

C'mon Itty Bitty, grow for your mommy! Snarf some of that delicious Boost from your sister!

SFN said...

I never really understood the "how dare you be happy" crowd, but you might just leave anon comments off for 3-4 months and turn them back on without an announcement and see if they've taken their bile someplace else and don't even notice. That worked for me.

christine said...

Sorry for commenters that are being big boobs. You have every right to complain about weight gain, swelling, puking, anything you want even if you did go through infertility.

I'm so sorry about your twin drama. I'm praying for you and hoping that you have the best outcome possible!

jkmcgoo said...

How in God's name did you make a post about a scary, horrible time in your pregnancy funny? How did you not delete asshole anonymous? I'm be thinking about you and your baybees. (and wanting more children after Olivia is not greedy). Many prayers. This sucks.

Anonymous said...

I had to do the same with my blog. I love that you handle things with such a wonderful sense of humor and I totally support your decision not to allow anonymous comments.

Mama Bee said...

1. You are awesome.
2. I totally have a bloggie crush on you.
3. Anons are the worst.
4. Point me in the direction of your trolls and I will kick them in the vagina for you.


feritmom said...

Jen, long time lurker. I just gotta join in. You are awesome, you're dealing with a lot right now and screw that bitch for her horrible ugly attitude. I'm currently on my butt after another transfer and I wanna say all the babyee-less out here are not assholes. Praying for you and your girls. May your sexy smart doctors have all good news for you from now on.

MFA Mama said...

I'm sorry the anons of the world are being assholes. Ditto what someone said about how for every troll under a bridge there are tons of us rooting for you and your baybees. Also? If someone's blog makes you lose your composure to the point of leaving multiple hateful, anonymous comments and you STILL READ IT? You're a special kind of sad. Truly.

Danielle said...

I'm so glad that you decided to get rid of the anonymous comments!!! I look forward to reading your blog, whether its a positive day for you or a little bit of a downer. There are some pretty pitiful people out there with nothing better to do with their time obviously. There are a lot of us (as you can tell from the number of comments) that appreciate you sharing your REAL LIFE.

Leah said...

Ahh people can be jerks :( I really love your blog and love that you are brave enough to keep posting funnies when facing some scary waiting.

Amanda said...

WTF is wrong with people? Sorry for the asshats.

Meg said...

Most people are dicks. And people that post anonymously are super dicks.

Desiree said...

I've read for a while and commented only once or twice but you and your babies are in my thoughts. I sincerely hope that things go well and you all pull through.

Mean people suck.

Lisa said...

What is up with some people?!?!? I had to turn anon comments off on my blog a long time ago. Hello! Red X in the corner. Use it if you don't like the blog!

Sarah said...

People are assholes. Just remember, those that matter dont mind and those that mind, dont matter.

Fuck 'em.


You're all in my thoughts.

Jeremy said...

Reading your blog brings me the sense of humor and hope I can't see in the infertility struggle my wife and I currently face. Thank you for that.

I'm sorry for the unnamed persons cruel and thoughtless words. Sarah's words are wise.


Amy said...

I'm sorry someone felt the need to rain on your already soggy parade. Ever notice that people spewing vitriol are poor spellers in general? I wonder if there's a correlation...

I'm a twin mom and a clinical NICU pharmacist. I want you to know that amazing things are possible, they really are. 26 weekers are very resiliant, and girl babies behave about a week further along than their dates (girls mature faster, but we all know that :) I don't pray, so all I can say is that I wish you good luck and a positive outcome. Mark those days off the calendar. Each one is an achievement to be proud of. Get those steroids if they're indicated (I had them), they are perhaps the single most beneficial prenatal intervention available.

I am pulling so hard for you, you have no idea.

Caz said...

Anonymous poster = Chicken shit.

Sorry you've had to put up with these idiots.

Expat Barbie said...

people need to own their shit.


Roselyn said...

Long time reader, first time commenter and let me just say, if you don't have anything nice to say DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL, PEOPLE!

Anyway... :) You and your tiny baybees are in all our thoughts! And hey, the tiny twin and big twin thing worked out for Arnold and Danny so I'm sure it will be great for you guys too. :)

Much love to you and your little ones!

Ginny said...

OMB, people suck! I want to drive up from Dayton and give you a hug.

Allison said...

People suck. Good for you for taking the step you need for your sanity!

Katrina said...

That's crappy. You're awesome and lots of us out here who don't even know you are pulling for you and your babies. Sorry you had to experience negativity from someone who obviously harbors a lot of bitterness.

Unknown said...

Just throwing a few words of encouragement out there. It baffles me that some people get joy out of hurling insults or throwing jabs. Losers. But, Im sure the knowledge that whoever "anonymous" is is pathetic doesnt help in your emotional and vulnerable position. I hope you dont let the negative voices drown out all the positive. Lots of prayers for you and all your girls.


Chelle said...

People hide behind anonymity when they are too insecure to own up to what they have to say. This anonymous blogger calling you insecure really needs to look in the mirror.

You and your babees are in my thoughts.

Brenda said...

Mean anons are asshats. I remember a post from a long time ago of yours: I think "doushecanoe" comes to mind....

Thinking and praying for all of you...hoping beyond hope that itty bitty pulls out all the stops at your next OB appt.

Chris and Annalisa said...


Lindsay83 said...

What douches. People suck. Lots of love and prayers for you and your little family though!

Erin and JR said...

Good for you, Jen.

s. said...

Jen, I am so sorry that some people choose to project their anger and disappointment onto you, especially right now when you really don't need any negativity. I cannot even imagine how scary this whole situation must be for you but hope you are reading the rest of these comments and know that there are lots and lots of us who are thinking about you and wishing you many, many more weeks to grow those little ones.

I keep thinking of a post you wrote a while ago about being sick with this pregnancy...the one about barfing up cherries...and how even as you were on the floor with your arms around the toilet seeing Olivia made you laugh. Your title on that post, The Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine, perfectly captured my feelings about my little guy, who is almost 11 months. I hope that even through all of the current darkness Olivia can still be your light.

All my best for the very best outcome for both of Olivia's soon-to-be little sisters.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you lots! Wishing you, Mark, Olivia and your baby girls all the best in the days to come.

Thank you for sharing your life with us. It's a pretty awesome life.

Anonymous said...

Geez! Some people...I hope to keep hearing about you and Olivia and the twins for a long time!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Even when I was in the midst of infertility treatments, I loved reading the blogs of people who have been there - done that and have had their happy ending (either having biological children or adopting). I know that when I was in the midst of the struggles, I was very sensitive. That being said, if I didn't like something, I just "changed the channel." I'm sorry for the ugly comments.

I have to say I love your blog and laugh out loud whenever I read it. I would also like to point out that yes, your blog is not necessarily entirely about infertility, but it was a big part of your journey (and is in your header) - I hope you don't let these other people invalidate where you've been because now you have children. I think infertility is a struggle that stays with you for a long time. My best to you and all of your beautiful children!!

Abaigael said...

Just wanted to say that anonymous is a complete moron and is an embarrassment to infertiles everywhere! I am currently struggling to conceive our second and in the middle of an IVF cycle and I LOVE your blog!!! I literally check it daily to see if there is an update. My favorite post ever was your rainbows/barfing artwork. I laughed my ass off! Anonymous clearly can’t see past herself and that is really sad.

I’m so sorry you and your family are going through all of this! Hang in there!!

Emily said...

Why is it that the stupid people who are obviously miserable in their own lives refuse to identify themselves when picking on others? We all know what they say about opinions and assholes, but at least own your awful/smelly opinion instead of pretending like a faceless rant has any meaning. I'm infertile and proud, and reading your blog is a breath of fresh air, not a miserable experience. And if it was? Well, then I would STOP READING. To think it would be that easy! Seriously, those people can suck it.

Impulsive Addict said...

I'm just out blog stalking today and I just read what this was about. It boils down to this:

People are STUPID. I'm sorry that a witch was so hateful to you. I've been on the infertile side (for 6 years) but now on the other side with a healthy (6 week premie) baby girl who is now almost 1.

She never should have been reading your blog to begin with.

I think I like your place. I feel the need to check back and just know that a complete stranger will be praying for you tonight..

Rebekah said...

The asshats just seem to follow you around everywhere, don't they?

I've been trying to think of something to say to you about your last post. It's a terrifying situation. I'm thinking about you and your babies a lot, and I'm praying for the best outcome to happen. I really hope you get better news at your next appointment, Jen.

Anonymous said...

Jen, When I had IVF 2 years ago I found your blog and contacted you and you were truly amazing to an absolute stranger. You gave me great advice and when I eventually had a miscarriage you were super supportive. With that said it really pisses me off that someone left you a mean message because you try to be there for those of us that are still trying and we should be happy for you and hopeful for our own FET cycles. You inspire lots of people and also provide a good laugh so keep going girl and ignore the haters. You're in my prayers. Karita

Melissa said...

Long time reader, first comment :) I did not suffer infertility so I can't begin to know or understand how it feels but wanting biological children with your dh doesn't mean you want a difficult pregnancy. No one wants to feel sick all the time, to gain 500 lbs, and deal with a-holes telling you how big you look. The goal is to have a healthy baby or babies, not just get pregnant. I think anyone who is pregnant has the right to bitch about all the not so fun aspects. Anyone with any sense knows you are still very grateful and love your babies very much. I love my girls and would do anything for them but that doesn't mean I have to love the strech marks on my tummy that look like Freddy Kruger's face!

andasbackpack said...

I have never commented before, but I feel like I should say that I LOVE your blog. Infertility sucks, but what can you do but laugh sometimes? Your blog has always helped me do that. You're a great writer and have a wonderful, funny blog. Plus adorable pics of Olivia. What's not to love???

Bree said...

First of all, I agree the anonymous person before was being an ass. She was really insensitive.
Secondly, (I'm playing devils advocate) it really just sounds like the Anon person was angry and really hurt and just was out of control that day. Remember how hurtful it was to see other people being pregnant when that's all you wished for? Remember how angry you were when reading/watching the news to hear some teenager knocked up "AGAIN". I'm just guessing this person hasn't read all of your posts and got carried away. Because it's hard being pregnant, especially with a toddler and with TWINS. Being fertile after years of infertility does give you the right to be grateful and BITCH about what's going on.
I know Jen, that comment wasn't what you wanted to read. Most of us know this blog is your place to be honest and we're all happy to read about your honest moments. Please continue to write about whatever you want. The people who love to read it truely out number those who don't.
I'm praying for the best for the twins. Concentrate on our good vibes out in cyberspace.

Pamela said...

Don't let the crazies get to you. You're amazing, and please keep blogging.

Anonymous said...

You rock and I can't wait to hear more stories of Olivia and the babies. :)

and baby makes 4 said...

Oh my. I'm just now catching up on all that's going on. You rule and Anon is a bitter douchetard. You've been taking this crap since you got knocked up with Olivia. I am giving you a fist pump of solidarity!

On a belated note, my 11 month twins were delivered at 34 weeks and I was put on bed rest at 26. All are healthy and good today. NICUs are amazing things these days. I'll be thinking about you, little, and biggie/normal.

Danielle said...

I fully support your change, and I hope people are kind from now on. I appreciate your honesty as you are happy and sad and frustrated and stoked.. It makes you human and I hope it keeps going !

now go back to making me laugh!

Donna said...

I say F to them. You are right, you don't need shit from people.

MomisQueen said...

I just had to deal with someone leaving me a very nasty and anonymous email on my blog baout secondary infertility. It hurt, I almost deleted the entire blog... But life goes on. I did the same as you, turned off the setting and now if anyone has anything to say at least I will know who it is. Good luck and forget the crazy people who get off on saying mean things online.

Courtney said...

Thinking of you often. I have been reading your blog for a good long while and your sense of humor has long been a gift that kept me smiling. I also thank you for helping me take some of my own infertility challenges in stride just a bit more easily thanks to the comaraderie of blogs like yours. You have made me laugh and even snort out loud. Not pretty, but a gift. Thank you for all you are and have been to so many of us.

Anyway, I am posting to let you know that you and your twins are in my thoughts and prayers. I check this site frequently for updates. I am one of many rooting for you big time.

And, as has been noted before, so sorry for the snide comments at such an acutely painful and vulnerable time in your life.

Sending much love your way!

kelley said...

ivf/icsi mom of twins here - i feel for you and had to post an "atta girl"
...and let you know one more person is rooting for you and those babies

stay strong and keep asking questions
who cares what any doctor thinks of you, keep asking

and as far as "anonymous" is concerned, pffft ~ he's probably a prison inmate

bibc said...

thinking of you and the babies. hoping all is well.

heartincharge said...

wondering about you. you are one of the people i care about most in the cyberworld. hope everything is ok and you are just enjoying your Thanksgiving.

Kristinmo said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and your precious babies. I hope all is ok.

rebeckah@mydwellingplace said...

Not a regular commenter but a regular reader, hoping everything is alright over there. My husband and I are pullin' for you and your family.

Inara Jones said...

Haven't heard from you in awhile, and just wanted to say that I hope all is well in your world. When you can handle it, please let us know that you are all doing okay.

Love and hugs from another complete stranger.

Bree said...

Just checking in on you. Hope you and the babies are well. xo

V said...

Hello there,
Just checking on you and hoping that you're having a good day. I wish you the best... Hope all is well with the two little beans.

As for the anonymous, please do not let that comment get to you. These kind of people have nothing better to do with their lives. They are pitiful!

Lots of hugs from MA...

elizabeth said...

Hope you are all doing very well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Praying for you!

Erin and JR said...

Vibes, Jen. All good vibes from Idaho.

ks said...

Just wanted to post a note as you haven't been blogging in awhile. I wanted to let you know that you and your babies including Cutie Pie Big Sister have been in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you and your family well.

Jennifer said...

Just checking in and wanted to let you know that you are your whole family are in my thought and prayers. We miss you and hope that all is well.

Brenda said...

Hi Jen, just wanted to send you a note to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope things are going well for you all.

Jessica said...

Thinking about you and your sweet family!

alisa said...

See, now we're starting to get nervous. Hope all is uneventful and we're worrying for nothing.

Deanna said...

I'm still checking in often to see if you've posted an update on how you and the babies are doing. I hope everything is going okay and that Olivia isn't eating any Christmas tree decor. I have a 3 year old that hides the ornaments from me - it's like a treasure hunt, only I'm royally pissed that I'm having to play. :P

Andrea said...

Thinking of you and your family, Jen. Sending all the good vibes, good wishes, and hope that I can muster.

Ella said...

Hope everything is going well with your family! I think of you often :)

Unknown said...

People are stupid. Chalk it up as that. Other, smarter, needier, more intellectually crazy peeps, get a ton of light and hope from your story AND YOUR humor. It takes a rare person to share that take with others. We all love ya girl and hope the taco party is doing well. Hope you can see past those dummies (my way of saying biatch) and post. We're anxious about you....

Lukas said...

Can we come out of time out now?

We miss you Jen! I really hope that the twins are doing ok! Same goes for the little princess!

Please update soon as we're all thinking of you and worring a little too!

Alison said...

Worried about you. Hope everything is OK with your girls.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you often and hoping everything is going well with you and your girls.

Courtney said...

Just another one of many who are thinking of you and checking daily (or multiple times a day, to be more accurate) to see how you and your girls are doing. Thinking of your family and keeping you in my heart and prayers!

Allie484 said...

Just stopping in to check on you. First time commenter, long time follower just wanting to let you know I'm praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

Hope you and your girls are doing well!

JP said...

Miss you! Praying all is well with the whole family!

Jennifer said...

Still checking up on you. At this point, MANY times a day and reading all new comments to make sure that we aren't being updated about you and the little baybees in there. How are you and Big Girl and Hubby?? Please know that we miss you and appreciate you.. Anyone else here praying that we aren't hearing because she is upset about the comments?? Because that seems preferable to any other alternative.... Have someone update us, hon.. We are scared.

Heather said...

I read your blog frequently but never really responded. (Too shy lol) Anyhow, like others, I've been worried about you guys. Hope everything is going okay and we hear from you soon!

Christine Theriault Burke said...

I'm with Jennifer. Wish I had more good vibes to send because all i've got are already on their way! Hopefully you are ok!

Amy said...

Long time reader first time commenter. I love your blog, you make me laugh and you have the cutest little girl! Please know that you are missed and we are all pulling for you (w/all that you are going through.) Hang in there girl!

tiffany said...

Worried...hoping everything is OK, and completely understanding if you just needed a break from all of us. xoxox

Heather said...

I'm in your corner and hoping everything is OK. Praying for you.

KLTTX said...

Just checking in. I hope everything is ok as well.

Kelly said...

Hey Jen, we're all here for you, whatever you are dealing with, good or not so good. Praying for good for you and your family.

Carol said...

I'm worrying and praying.

M said...

Dear Ms. Jen,
I am so sorry people are being toerags, you of all people are very polite, and I think your a great person. Please dont stop blogging, they make my day when ever you post. I hope Lil Ms. O is doing well, and your buns in the oven are ok.

Keep on Trucking dear, 99.9% of us love you and the last .1% are just bitter,


julie said...

Jen- longtime reader, maybe first time commenter (can't remember, but i think this is the first time). Just wanted to let you know that I am sending you lots of love and prayers from here in VA.

and baby makes 4 said...

I'm going to join the others in my stalker mode and say I'm nervous by your silence. I hope everyone is healthy. Sending prayers your way.

s. said...

Still stalking your page and comments and hoping that you and the baybees are on bedrest and they are cooking away. We are all thinking about you and hoping that you and the little ones are doing well. Weird stranger-who-cares-about-you hugs from Boston. (Seriously...I am more worried about you than I would be about some people I know IRL...and I am owning it.)

Jamie said...

Blog stalker here. Just got through reading all the comments to make sure I wasn't missing an update of some kind. Praying for you and you family.

Lauren said...

First time commenter, long time reader (since 2008). I keep checking each day for an update...I'm praying for you and your family. God Bless!

Team Skinner said...

Stalking every day hoping for an update. Hope you are still baking those little ones.