Tuesday, September 22, 2009

You know what's funny? Rugs.

Over the weekend, we went to Target to buy some new throw rugs for the kitchen.

Because someone peed on the old ones, and I don't want to throw anyone under the bus here, but it was either Baxter, Milo, or Mark. You can draw your own conclusions.

But we tried to wash the Pee Rugs and they got totally funky and misshapen. Kind of like my midsection - lumpy and puffy in weird places. And while that does blow a bit of a fatty, I am never really sad to have a valid excuse to spend more money than necessary at Target because Target is pretty much the wind beneath my wings (or flabby sides of arm beef if I'm going for accuracy).

So we go to Target and we strap Olivia into the cart like a big girl. Which, OMFG you guys! She sits up like big girl, the only certainty now is that she will achieve world domination very very soon! And so I say to Olivia, in a perfectly normal voice, "let's go get some rugs."

That statement totally cracked her shit up! Like, belly laughs. And she is not much of a belly laugher. Giggles, yes, but belly laughs are a rare treat usually reserved for times when I yelp from her pulling my hair or digging her fingernails into my nostril.

I kept saying Rugs during our 40 minute Target trip and she cracked up every single time. And later that night, after a nap and a delicious banana dinner, I scored a video of Mark saying Rugs and Olivia laughing. The next day, she was being grouchy before a nap, but would crack a huge grin any time I said Rugs.

Right now I'm in Florida on a business trip. Without Olivia - she's with daddy and grandma - and everytime I think of her laughing about Rugs, I get a huge grin. Which is nice for me, but impretty sure that people think I am high and I fully expect to be presented with a pee cup tomorrow morning.

It can't be Friday soon enough. RUGS!


Strawberry said...

Awesome. I love when that happens- you never know which words are going to set them off.

areyoukiddingme said...

Isn't it nice to have something to get you through the trip?

Dawn0fTime said...

Too cute! You should post that video! :)

Aunt Becky said...

Rugs are f*ing funny, yo.

Sarah said...

Sooooo, you're gonna post the video....right?

Good Egg Hatched said...

Video! Puleeese!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Too cute! Rugs to you too!

Calliope said...

wait- you are in Florida and you didn't call me??????

wanna see the video!!!

Courtney said...

Just wait till she hears about 'balls' (and although that sounds like a dirty joke, I really am just talking about the round play things) ... it still sounds like a dirty joke doesn't it?

KimboSue said...

RUGS...that word in itself is funny sounding to me! Can't wait for the vid...You know you can't say you have a vid and not post the vid...
It's hump day - almost time for more Miss O!

Amy said...

That's so funny. You must post the video!

Anonymous said...

RUGS! reminds me of Dooce's SHINGLES! - I totally think you need a jazz hands video of RUGS! That will surely crack Olivia right up. :)

Parsing Nonsense said...

That's awesome! I love when you find that one word or phrase that sends them to stitches, so cool!

I dearly hope you plan to post that video soon!

Meghan said...

Nothing is better than baby giggles and belly laughs.

Malloryn said...

That is so funny! I'm looking forward to the giggles one day :)

JenM said...

Maybe she was just thinking of toupees. Because those are funny rugs. :-)

We need to get together!

Delenn said...

Too funny! And yes, in my house, I buy two sets of bathroom rugs--because of that reason!

Kathleen said...

I left you an award at www.babyjahn.blogspot.com. Thanks for the laughs!

area rugs said...

It was really cute and also funny. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing a funny experience.

Allegro ma non troppo said...

She is so gorgeous! Rugs, hey? My little guy used to die laughing at the sight of fly swats. Swat a fly and he would laugh until he cried and needed a nap.