Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh no no! Don't do this to Co Co!

How much do I love Conan O'Brien?  A LOT.  More than Joel McHale.  Slightly less than Target.  Slightly less than Mark. 

(Bet you wonder about the order of Mark and Target...)

I've never been a Leno fan.  I think he is cheesy and his humor is too outdated for a nighttime show - he's the same as Steve Martin to me.  Used to be funny.  Not so much anymore.  I always watched Letterman over Leno.  And when Conan took over, I ditched Letterman totally.

So anyway, I love this clip of Jimmy Kimmel totally slamming Leno on his own show.

Are you Team Jay?  Or Team Conan?


LutherLiz said...

Team Conan all the way. Why on earth would NBC decide that Leno's show isn't working so we should get rid of COnan and put Leno back in the Tonight show is beyond me.

Beckie's Infertile said...

Conan! That whole situation is a mess!

maresi said...

I'm with COCO.

bibc said...

Team CONAN!! Team Kimmel!
whew, sorry! i have a sort of sick schoolgirl crush on jimmy f. but dude, i totally silently laughed last night while watching that shiz on closed captioning. (hubby sick and sleeping and me, not able to sleep. ever.) jimmy k skewered leno! and he deserves it. what a douche

Shandal said...

Conan! I hadn't seen this clip yet, thanks for sharing! Kimmel rocks!

Jess said...

Team CoCo all the way! Saw him in Person at the end of November, it was fabulous!

amy =) said...

coco!!! (in order from most to least favorite: coco, craig ferguson, jay, dave, jimmy fallon)

Anonymous said...

Sorry ladies...I have to be the odd ball here....TEAM LENO for me! LOL!!! BTW.....I love your blog Jen! I really enjoy your dry sense of humor!

Good Egg Hatched said...

Team Conan! No question. Can't imagine how anyone finds Leno even remotely funny. I've decided this whole thing is a conspiracy by NBC to boost ratings for both of them. I pray this is true -- because the idea of Conan on Fox truly frightens me.

Paula Keller said...

I don't like Leno either. Conan is great. Craig Ferguson completely cracks me up! But we have to Tivo him because, geeezz who is up that late?

Oh yea. Me, probably in about 6 months.

Love Joel McHale.

Anonymous said...

I loved that he slammed Leno - much needed. Plus didn't Leno start off slow too? Give Conan time NBC!

Amanda said...

Team CONAN!!! He's my first love. We could have had freakishly tall, pale, and red headed children together.

JB said...

Team EDWARD. Oh, sorry. CONAN.

My talk show host preferences, in order: Stewart, Colbert, Letterman, Conan, Kimmel, McHale, Ferguson, Fallon, Daly, a blunt object to the head, a pile of poo, Leno.

I hope like hell that Howard Stern will accept the invitation to be a guest on Conan's show next week so they can skewer Leno and NBC properly. I also heard that Conan is thinking of appearing on Letterman (perhaps after he's off the air)'s on like Donkey Kong, suckas!

Tiff said...

Team Coco of course. Kimmel is brilliant. Leno is an ass. Nuff said.

Shauna said...

OMG....I totally can NOT stand Conan.....he is dis-gus-ting....gross gross gross.....letterman too!

In my book, Letterman and especially Conan rank on the douche factor right next to Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and John Gosselin.....

I do like Leno...however, his new show is without a doubt a flop....he was much better before.

Just one girls opinion.....

Mrs. Higrens said...

I am actually unable to stay up late enough to see either Conan or Jimmy, so I've enjoyed having a talk-show like that early enough so I can actually watch it.

I believe the change is being forced by the local stations whose 11pm news broadcasts are losing viewers, even though Jay's ratings are where they were projected to be by the network.

So, Team Jay, but only by default.

Unknown said...

Team Conan!!!

Anonymous said...

T-Totally Team CO-co-conan. I love freakishly tall redheads! And Jay Leno needs to take his 40000 sports cars and retire somewhere where corny observational humor is appreciated [take my wife, please!]

Ginny said...

Team Ccco!

Alyssa said...

We so agree. Except I think I love Joel McHale a little more than Coco. I don't know what it is about tall, funny men, but I seem to lose my damn mind when it comes to them.

It's so stupid that 5 years ago, Jay specifically announced that Conan would be the replacement to avoid big dramaz, like what happened when Carson retired. And now he's pulling this crap, which is worse. His reputation isn't going to recover from this hit, I think.

The NKF said...

I love your blog. But this is the first time I've ever read your post and been like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Stop the internetz you are wrong for that nooooooooooooo." Because Steve Martin is awesome. Whenever people ask what people, living or dead, I'd host at a dinner party (or similar) I always say Steve Martin. And only Steve Martin. Just the two of us. In fact, I'm sure that if he could just meet me, we'd be best friends. In fact, I just realized that if it were more convenient to do so, I'd probably stalk Steve Martin.

kimbosue said...

BOOO! HISS! What is up with you Jay Haters? Coco (that name in itself should say something) is a weirdo. His sense of humor is bizarro. I was pissed when he was given Jay's spot. Jay's new show, not so hot, but I loved him on the Tonight Show. I hope he comes back!
Coco hater

Loretta said...

I'm team "Goes to bed at 10pm!" But I think NBC is acting crappy to Conan who has done so well for them.

Jenni said...

Conan. Hands Down. I like when he used to drive his desk, that was awesome.

Leno has his moments, but his humor is more suited for people with heart conditions and mild forms of dementia.

Minta said...

I'm totally on Team CoCo! Did you see him and Ricky Gervais the other day. Priceless. A good chunk of what I love about Conan is Andy, though. I love me some Andy Richter! (Recently bought his old sitcom on DVD, still hilarious!)

That clip of Jimmy Kimmel giving it to Jay is awesome!

Minta said...

But, also... I do enjoy Joel more than Conan...

Miss Tori said...

I've always preferred Leno over O'Brien. I used to stay up to watch Leno's monologue, but now as soon as the news is over I turn it as I can't stand O'Brien.

I didn't like him when he came on after Leno and his moving to the 10:30 slot (Mountain Time) didn't improve things.

However, with that said, I rarely watch Leno at 9:00. That slot is just not meant to be for a talk show.

CJ said...

Team LENO! !I am bias, I got to appear on his show and ask a question while in the audience, so I am FOREVER LENO! :)

Shauna said...

wow...i just watched that clip....add Kimmel to the douche list please! what a butthole.
one joke - ok...two jokes --- umm maybe ok.......but repeated jokes about the same thing = douche.

Rebekah said...

Conan FTW!!! He's my imaginary best friend.

Gurlee said...

Leno sucks. He is like bland food for the AARP crowd.
I love COCO!!!

Nikki said...

Team Conan! Jay Leno is an unfunny douchebag, and Jimmy Kimmel is quickly becoming one of my favorite people, Of.All.Time.

Loved the clip you funny.

Leno...not funny. I hope CoCo goes to another network, and then buries Chinmaster in the ratings.

Brooke said...

Really, more than Joel McHale. IDK if we can be friends anymore. And Leno sucks.