Saturday, November 5, 2011


I just signed up for the November National Blog Posting Month - to write a blog post every day for the month of November.  This is hilarious, as I wrote one post in October.  Unless you count a picture post with a caption as a post, in which case I posted twice.

I'm under a lot of stress (captain obvious reporting for duty, sans cape) but it's really kind of covert stress.  Like, I'm OK if all I have to do is get Liv with a sitter, go to work, go to the NICU (or come home and be with Olivia), make dinner, sleep, and repeat.  I appear to be totally normal but in my mind I am totally crazypants.

8 p.m. on my way home from the NICU after working all day, via text:

Mark: We will need milk for tomorrow morning.

Jen: OK


Usually I try to handle my stress by shoving obsene amounts of food into my face.  Or, diarrhea, if I am just super lucky.  Or even avoidance (hello Pinterest!).  And then all of a sudden out of nowhere comes the Incredible Hulk-like Crazypants response to something totally insignificant.


In reality:  Sits with blank stare on face; contemplates the next carb to shove in mouth; continues to watch commercials due to pure laziness. 

So anyway, I'm thinking that a commitment to a daily blog post is a really fantastic idea.  I'm glad you agree.


Amelia said...

I do agree and am downright excited. YAAAAY!!!

Milla said...

No idea what's going on, this is my 3rd attempt at commenting damnit, sorry if the others turn up. Great to hear from you, you are still funny even if you are a crazy. Everyone is crazy in their heads nonetheless (I'm a psychologist so I can tell), you have actual reasons though so it seems fair. Hope you got milk and your DVR wised up. Looking forward to the posts, however many, whenever,x

areyoukiddingme said...

I thought I was the only one who couldn't handle the milk responsibility (metaphorically. I've always had the milk responsiblity until about 4 months ago). I thought I was just rigidly scheduled, but yes, stress might be the other answer. See? I'm not inflexible!

Anonymous said...

I completely get the whole excess milk responsibility thing - although I had a much less sterling-solid excuse for crazypants than you, I fear, given that we made it out of hospital after a mere month. Delighted to hear more from you!

Anonymous said...

yay! i quite love your writing so woohoo. :)

HereWeGoAJen said...

I think it is an excellent idea! :)

Etosia (e-tasha) said...

Omg the Milk! And when you go in to get the milk you walk out with 10 other bags of crap! Am I right? What ever happened to the milk man? Seriously they have it in the UK so why not here?

Just the Tip said...

I could not be more happy reading this! I was thinking about doing it to, but I didn't want to set myself up for failure.

Laura Diniwilk said...

YAY!!! Looking forward to it!

Kahla said...

I like crazy people, makes me feel more normal. ;o) I'd commit, but then I'd have all this guilt because I wouldn't post every day and then that would lead to guilt that I have guilt and son on. But I'll read yours. :o)

Kelly said...

Hope that the blog is kind of therapeutic for you, and not another source of the stress. You inspire, educate, and make us all laugh in a single swoop. Keep up the awesome work:)

User Not Found said...

I second Kelly (YAYY!!) and also, I think that the NaBloPoMo will forgive you if the milk stress makes you go cra cra one or five days this month and you don't post. Just sayin'. Don't let it add to your stress :) BUT YAY!

Anonymous said...

I always think about trying one of those write-every-day or comment-on-everyone's-blog things, but then I remember that I have to work and have a baby and laundry and that my DVR is full. Then I usually just watch the DVR. 'Cause a girl's gotta have priorities, yaknow.

Jenn and Casey said...

I'm really excited, because I found your blog and literally laughed until I cried (which was something I needed because I'd just gotten another BFN that day) and I check back obsessively. SO I look forward to reading about your two beautiful girls and your crazy life!

Rebecca said...

and I do count a post with only a photo sans caption/text. So just post photos of your beautiful girls and you've succeeded.

Anonymous said...

Big big hugs. It's so hard to have a child in the NICU for so long. It just grinds away at you. At the end I was just putting one foot in front of the other. And I wasn't working at the time either. Love updates from you, but do whatever keeps you sane.

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh. I literally started crying this morning when my husband asked me to remember to buy more yogurt for him during my shopping trip. I tried to explain how overwhelmed I am by having to keep up with all.the.difficult.tasks in our house. Thank god he didn't laugh or challenge me... I think someone might have been injured had that happened.

By the way, I FORGOT the yogurt!!! See, I can't be trusted!

JM said...

I have ALWAYS wished I were one of those people, who when stressed out, forget to eat. Or lose their appetite.

Nope, I, like you, aim to shove everything within a 10 foot radius into my mouth rapid-fire style.

Effing stress.

Michele said...

OMG. You just described me to a perfect "T"! I need to forward this to my husband so he knows what is actually going through my brain when I scream at him because he wasn't able to save my quicken file when he RESTORED MY ENTIRE CRASHED HARD DRIVE FOR ME a couple of days ago. Or when he has the nerve to inquire where the Tylenol is because he has the Flu of Doom. I am total Crazy-ass Crazy-pants too - you are in good company! And I can't wait for all the blog posts!

Noelle Spooner said...

Yay! And adorable pics totally count as a post!!

Sandy said...

You are a goddess and I am creating a special cult just to worship you.

Jen, I have these kinds of meltdowns on a regular basis and I don't have a baby in NICU. The fact that you survive each day is a tremendous feat of strength.

I wish we lived in the same town so you could just text me and I could meet you at home with that milk plus a package of oreos.

Hang in there! We all love you and your beautiful babies and are rooting for your family every day.

Anonymous said...

I'm a total avoider too - give me a list of important things to do and I will find the dumbest one to complete, which frequently translates into coloring something for my classroom when I have lesson plans to turn in.

Anonymous said...

I adore you.