Friday, November 11, 2011

Redbook Magazine: The Truth About Trying

The second I sent the email in which I agreed to tape a video of myself talking about sperm, I immediately wanted to punch myself in the face.  Not because I'm embarrassed to talk about sperm or my reproductive debacles or whatever, but because the sound of my own voice is simply horrifying. 

Redbook Magazine has  a whole Truth About Trying campaign on their website now, and there are all kinds of videos up there.  Including mine

I'm not begging for compliments when I say that I hope you don't hate me after watching it.  I broke up with a few blogs after watching "vlogs" of the author. 

I was going to try to link up to the blogs I wrote for Infertility Diaries but I can't because there are no longer any tags that lead to them. But hey!  Go there and read anyway, because there's good stuff over there from some seriously good bloggers.


MFA Mama said...


Anne said...

You're great! And you never say "umm" which is spectacular.

V said...

You are AMAZING!!! Great video!!! Congrats...

Kate said...

What a great video! The tone and information was perfect. You seemed really comfortable.

winter blue said...

Oh my gosh you are cute :)

SherilinR said...

girl, your voice isn't horrible at all. you did a good job making your point & your makeup looked good and you spoke intelligently. nicely done!

Momma Kelli said...

I've only commented maybe once or twice but I love reading your blog & hearing about Ainsley's journey. I just watched your video.

I hope I don't sound like a creep when I say this.

I heart you.
Well done. :)

Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

Hello miss cute! You did a fantastic job on your video. You sound great, look adorable and touched on something many of us dealing with infertility have faced.

It kind of brought it all back for me. It's been 2 years since our failed IVF & 1 year since deciding we can't do another cycle. We know it's the end of the line for us. I didn't realize how far I've tucked those feelings away until now. I guess it never goes away does it?

Sending you and your cute girls happy thoughts!

Jyl said...

You're too cute! I think you need to vlog more often :)

Lyndz said...

That was a great vlog! You are gorgeous and your voice was great!

Lj82 said...

You did a great job. Perfect.

_________________________ said...

You're adorable! Thanks for posting this! I recently completed my first IVF cycle due to secondary infertility, and it worked. I understand all of the emotions! You did great :) Love your blog and follow religiously!

Just the Tip said...

You don't look tired at all, you look gorgeous!

I love your video!! So not breaking up with you...

yet. :-P

stephanie said...

How did I not know you were MFI? We are, too - and as shitty as my doctor was (I am sensing a theme here...) about telling us "Um, we have to test him again because the results are SO BAD, they can't be right." I'm grateful that it was one of the first suggestions she made when I went to her about trouble conceiving.

Our chances, even w/ IVF w/ ICSI were near hopeless. That's kind of a hard pill to swallow. We skipped Clomid, IUI, etc... all that. And I am grateful NOW that we just got it GOING, but at the time it was fucking terrifying to be STARTING the process at the end. Like, OK, here's IVF and if that doesn't work? Well. SOL, peeps!

But it did. Twice. And we have two little girls (our two-year-old is Olivia, also!) and GAH. Thankful doesn't even cover it.

BTW? You look freaking amazing. Srsly.

Losh said...

You don't sound at all how I thought you would, but I thought it was a great vlog!

Princess LadyBug said...

You are adorable & you have a very nice voice. You are also well spoken.

And I'm not just saying that. To prove it I will tell you that I just watched your video & I have absolutely ZERO plans to get pregnant or have a baby. But I watched it because it was you. So there. :P

Rebecca said...

Watching the video are so cute!

Kate said...

I thought the video was great. We actually got an at home kit to test my husbands sperm count before we started trying. Before his parents were able to get pregnant his dad had to have surgery to remove a vein that was too close to the scrotum and was frying all the sperm. The doctor told him it was something that he could pass down to any sons and since they shared that information with their sons we knew to check. Luckily my husband didn't have an issue but if he had and we hadn't known to check...

I think a lot of people hate the way their voice sounds on tape because it's so different from what they hear in their head.

laurieb145 said...

I saw it a few weeks ago and thought it was great..I came to your blog years ago from reading Redbooks Infertility Diaries with you and JJ and have been reading ever since.

LaPank said...

I wish I looked like you. You are incredibly beautiful, Jen! I am not sucking up... you are a natural beauty. And way to go on your well-versed, informative video. You rock!

Living Our Life in Cycles said...

This is great, well done!

Kristin said...

You are awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

You are the cutest! You shared this so well too, nice work.

Bobbi said...

aww, i like you even more now. you are too cute :)