Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tired doesn't describe it.

I'm exhausted.

Not like, tired but should feel better after a good night's rest, tired. Like, so tired that I can't imagine staying awake for the next half hour, tired.

My brain is running slow and my eyes are squinty. Part of the squint eye is caused by my staggering 40 pound weight gain in the past year and a glad, but a solid 25 percent can be blamed on The Tired.

Coffee doesn't help which sucks because coffee always helps and if I can't rely on coffee then what can I rely on in this world? What, I ask you?

I was just sitting here thinking about how I should write something about something but I couldn't think of anything. And I am too tired to walk downstairs to get my computer so I'm writing this on my phone, which is usually annoying but I'm too tired to be annoyed and plus I don't really have to move any part of my body except my sausage-like index finger.

The good news is that I'm watching Dexter and there are no commercials that require me to lift a sausagey finger to fast forward. The bad news is that my feet are cold and I'm too tired to get socks.

At the very least, I need to convince Mark to give me a piggy back ride up to bed because I definitely don't have the energy to walk up the stairs. And even if I do I still have to adjust my pillows and pull up my covers and OH MY GOD it just all sounds like so much work.

Anyway, I'm exhausted.


Rebecca said...

Ya know, I was like that a few days ago because I was exhausted with a bit of worry. Worry can really exhaust a person and well, you've had that monster sitting on your shoulder for nine months now? Longer probably. Kick that monster to the curb so you can get a months worth of good nights sleep, right?

Mrs. Higrens said...

Anyone would be TIRED after the year you've had!

Sleep on the couch, I won't tell!

Anon said...

Hmmm. Have you had your thyroid levels checked? I mean, I get the baby-tired thing (dear god, I wish I could forget it!), but if this continues you should rule it out. Apologies if I am overstepping here (or if you have already been diagnosed as hypothyroid!). Public Service Assvice is now finished! Here's hoping you get a decent night's sleep!

areyoukiddingme said...

So, are you tired or something? Is that what you're trying to say?


Amy said...

Tired but posting. Big points!!!

Erin said...

I hope you have on comfy pants and can at least muster the energy to eat something delicious before bedtime. If not, have Mark go get it and feed it to you. GOLD STARZZZZ for the blog post while tired!

MNRN said...

If you weren't exhausted, I think there would be something wrong with you. I mean, you've had a wretched year you know. It had to catch up with you sooner or later. Rest as much as you can, and make sure to get piggy back rides every where you go :). Also, I've heard Red Bull has a kick, but I'm too chicken to try it out in case my heart were to pound out of my chest or something. Anyway. Take care!

Audrey said...

Hi - I've been reading your blog for awhile now. Not sure how I got here actually - but I absolutely adore your blog and you seriously crack my ass up. Like a lot.

Anyway, I'm so glad to see lots of blogging. Would you mind sharing what exactly is wrong with your sweet beauty? I mean I get she was born early, was the small one, etc.

I'm totally being nosey - and I will still puffy pink heart this blog even if you don't want to share your most personal private things that us nosey strangers ask.

Praying big prayers for that baby love and for her Mama!

V said...

You got a lot of brownie points for this post! There would be no way I would blog if I was this tired!!!!

Try to rest as much as you can...

Just the Tip said...

I hear ya.

You totally get props for posting about being tired. When i'm tired...I think about posting..then..I don't.

Also, I'm still carrying around my, 'oh my god my baby is back in the hospital (four times) and has some unknown disorder so i'm going to eat my feelings' weight.

I don't see it going away anytime soon.

Becky said...

I'm carrying around an extra 20lbs of my-now-13-month-old-is-still-up-every-2-or-3-hours-all-the-damn-night-and-dear-god-when-will-he-start-to-sleep-like-a-normal-child weight thanks to complete exhaustion. It does indeed suck. And I now take naps where ever I can. Good times...

Brenda said...

Ugh, I hate those kind of tired days. Sometimes even breathing seems like a labor intensive effort, let alone actual movement of appendages. And as for sleeping on the couch as someone suggested....I have totally done that. And it's kinda nice. hope you feel more rested!

HereWeGoAJen said...

I know that feeling, where you are so tired it hurts and too tired even to do the little bit of effort it takes to go to bed.

Katie said...

Bravo on the tired blogging!

Wiley said...

I know the feeling of typing on the phone out of laziness...

It does seem that reality is the cause of the tiredness, but it's easy bloodwork to check endocrine functions and electrolytes and all that, so it might be worth checking just on the slight chance that it makes things even a tiny bit easy.

I say this having experienced something that I thought was based on conditions and turned out to be medical.

About a week after our twins were born, 29&6 with one stillborn, I stopped wanting to do things. I was still doing them, but I didn't have drive behind them. Particularly, it was pumping and going to the NICU. I decided I was just going crazy and apparently was depressed or something and so started wearing long johns and a knit cap indoors and trucked on. It wasn't until another day or two later that I had a fever of over 105 that the idea that perhaps I was sick came to my mind. Yup, antiobiotic-resistant mastitis. Treated it improved the world immeasurably.

So, just in case it is osmething medical, might be worth finding the time to make an internist appointment?

Michele said...

I feel you, sister. Bone deep exhausted that doesn't go away. I've ruled out most things except plain old adrenal exhaustion from intense, constant stress. Coffee doesn't make a dent. I can drink a grande Starbucks drip with 10,000 mg of caffeine and then take a 2-hr nap. Literally. I do that sometimes. I'm now on prescription amphetamies just to function day by day. I can also take one of those and then have a 2-hr nap. This shiz is unreal. When I figure out the magical cure, I will let you know. BTW, your "OMG I cannot handle all this milk responsibility!!!" still cracks me up at least once a day. :)

Michele said...

I have to add, my thyroid levels and other bloodwork have been checked, I've been to the sleep medicine clinic, been to the therapist, all of it. I also have to say that a couple of years ago, when my youngest was a baby, there were times when I was actually too tired to fall alseep. I would have to lay on the bed and rest up to get the energy for a friggin' nap. I shit you not. Constant stress and lack of sound sleep are a killer combination.