Friday, November 9, 2012

The Resemblance

These two seriously look so much alike.  The major difference between the two is that Adelle is bigger at this age than Olivia was.  At her 3 month visit, she weighed two pounds more than Olivia did at hers.  Which is fine because it is just more for my nibbling enjoyment.  I have these two pictures hanging side-by-side in frames:

They act the same, too.  All the same eating (crappy) and sleeping (occasionally crappy) habits, and working on all of the same skills at about the same time.  Happy and fun babies but also a little high maintenance.

I don't usually think that Ainsley looked just like Olivia and Adelle.  Resembled, yes.  But I always felt like Ainsley had a different look.  But I don't know...I think I just picture her in my mind at 16 months old, the way she was the last weeks we had together.  Her big blue eyes.  Her gap tooth smile.  Her ridiculously rowdy hair.

Since I was looking back through baby pictures I of course wanted to look back at Ainsley too.  It turns out that baby Ainsley looked just like her sisters at 3 months (adjusted, because she was two months premature).

I think it is safe to say that we produce kids with MAD CHEEKS.  And that same exact nose.  Cute ass little drama queens, all of 'em.


Unknown said...

Three of the cutest baby girls ever!!!

Ginny said...

Beautiful baby girls!

Amy said...

They do have some adorable mega cheeks and button noses that's for sure!

CurlyGirly said...

So sweet. I miss Ainsley posts xo

Leah said...

I thought Adelle looked a lot like Ainsley, ace seeing the itty bitty Olivia photos too :) My two looked a lot alike as babies but have grown up to get their own faces. Good thing too else we'd have one plain old girl or very pretty boy LOL

HereWeGoAJen said...

I tend to agree with you that Ainsley resembled the other two, but had a different look. She looked like Ainsley. There are some times when you put up new pictures of Adelle and I think they are old pictures of Olivia until I read the captions.

Kate said...

I think it's the shape of the eyes. Adelle and Olivia have the same eyes and Ainsley's are different. Since the eyes are what you focus on when looking at a face that's why you feel like they look more different than they do.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kate. It's the eye shape that makes Ainsley look different from Olivia and Adelle. Ainsley also had the biggest, most nommalicious cheekies of them all at that age. Maybe they pushed up her eyes? :)

Anonymous said...

You guys do make seriously cute baby girls!

I remember when it was just Baby Olivia - from her very beginning I've always thought she was one of the cutest babies I've ever seen! And then she was the cutest toddler....and now the cutest little girl. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love their nom-able cheeks!

Lyndsey said...

I love those cheeks!

Jacksmom said...

Love all those cheeks!

areyoukiddingme said...

That's funny - last time you posted pictures of the girls, I was thinking that it was so nice that ALL your girls look so similar. They are also all adorable.

JM said...

Look back at the pic you posted on your 5-4-1 post- Adelle TOTALLY looks like Ainsley there! Beautiful girls, all of them.